[11] - daddy issues

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*three months later*

A knock on my door interrupts my precious studying time causing a groan to leave my lips.

I stand up, walking towards the annoying ass who interrupted me. I swing the door open for my eyes to land on Justin. "Oh hey, you're back!", I say attacking him in a hug.

He's hesitant at first but hugs back. "Whats wrong?", I ask, sensing a weird vibe. "Ugh, later okay let's just get inside", he avoids my question, lightly pushing me inside.

"No hold on!", I shout placing my hand on his chest. "Tell me what's up", I say, causing Justin to look me in the eyes, and that's when I notice them turn a dark, near black colour.

"Get inside now", he seethes. His voice his hoarse, low and fucking terrifying. I gulp before nodding and turning around to walk inside.

I hear the door close behind me. Before I can turn around or say anything I'm pushed up against the door. "Justin, stop", I say as his grip on my waist is tight and hard.

"When I tell you to go inside you do it the first time, got that", he spits biting on my earlobe. I gasp before inhaling air through my nose, and that's when I smell it.

"Have you been smoking", I gasp making him hold me tighter. I whimper in pain. "None of you're damn business", he eerily whispers in my ear.

I feel him place small kisses down my neck to the back of my shoulder blade. An involuntary moan leaves my lips, as I feel Justin's smirk on my skin.

I'm turned around as he attacks my lips with his. He pulls me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as my fingers delve into his hair.

"Mmm, I missed you so much", he slurs. Not a drunkenly way, well more of a drunkenly on lust way. "Mmm", I simply moan. He throws me on the bed before ripping his shirt off his body, exposing his abs and new tattoos!?

"When did you get these?!", I bite my lip, my fingers tracing them. "The other day", he say attacking my chest with kisses. He aggressively pulls off my shirt, exposing my bare chest.

"No bra, my favourite", he says groping my breasts in his strong hands. He sticks my already erect nipple in his mouth sucking hard. "Shit", I gasp as he nibbles on my peb.

"You like when I do this baby", he teases. "Yes, oh gawd yes", I moan, pulling on his hair. He places the other breast in his mouth, spitting on it making it wet. Many moans leave my mouth.

He licks and sucks his way down my torso, surely leaving hickeys. "These need to come off", he breathes, grabbing my leggings. and my panties before ripping them in half.

"I liked those", I whine. "I'll buy you a new pair", he says kissing my lips again. "Roll over", he demands. I obey, rolling onto my stomach. "All fours", he almost moans making me wetter than I already am. His voice could give me an orgasm, never mind his tongue.

I get in all fours, my ass up in the air. I feel a sharp pain on my ass cheek making me hiss, then comes another one, and another one. "You like when I spank you like this Lucia", Justin smirks, leaning down over my body and whispering in my ear.

His fingers find themselves in my mouth as I suck gently on them. He slips them out my mouth. His wet fingers trail down my back, goosebumps arising. I feel him suck on my back, small bruises appearing.

Suddenly, his wet fingers slide up and down my aching core. I moan, arching my back so he has better access. "Do you like that", he asks, rubbing faster. "Yes". "Call me daddy princess", he says making me moan more.

Daddy, fuck that's hot.

"Yes daddy", I moan. He begins rubbing faster, my back arching in a c shape. I suddenly feel his warm tongue slide up and down my folds vigorously.

"Shit baby", I moan, nearly screaming in pleasure. He eats me out aggressively, screams leaving my lips. I don't know what he's smoked or drunk but I'm not complaining.

I feel him pull, I whimper at loss of contact. "Do you like when I eat that pretty pussy if yours", he leans down to my ear. His teeth clamp onto my lobe.

"Mmm, I wanna make you cum so bad", he whispers as he kisses my neck. Suddenly, something from under my pillow falls onto the ground causing a bang to erupt around the room. Justin looks down before looking at me, a giant smirk on his face.

"Did you play with yourself while I was away", he teases holding the bright pink vibrator which I forgot was under my pillow. I bite my lip ad he examines in, remains of my dirty thoughts of him still remaining.

"Where you thinking of me when you came on this", he smiles as I nod. He simply moans before turning it on and placing it on my aching pussy. "Oh my g-god", I stutter as he places the vibrator on my clit, as his tongue enter in and out my entrance.

"I'm gonna come", I scream as he continues eating me out. I feel my insides clench, my stomach drop as I release everything on his tongue. "Fuck", I scream when I feel something I've never felt before. I roll over as Justin smirks at me. I feel wetness beneath me and that's when I notice I'm lying in a puddle of water.

"I just made you squirt baby", he says causing my eyes to widen. Before I can say anything he attacks me in yet another breath taking kiss. I use my feet to pull of his sweat pants. I palm his hard cock through his Calvin's, groans leaving his lips.

"Oh my god, I need to get inside you", he moans, ripping off his boxers. He places his hard cock at my entrance before slamming into me. I scream out in pleasure, the room around me becoming dark for a second. I hear the vibration noise again before gasping as it rests on my clit.

"Fuck", I scream out as he pounds into me harder. "Come on baby, squirt for me again. Make me cum inside you", he demands causing my stomach to clench. "Fuckkkk", I drag out as the familiar feeling of an orgasm comes.

He pulls out as my juices squirt out all over the bed and him. "Oh my god". I've never felt anything like this, and I fucking love it. "Shit", he say rubbing my pussy as the remains of my fluids pour out.

He slams his cock back into me causing me to somewhat whimper. I'm going to be in so much pain in the morning. "Shit baby, I'm gonna come inside you so hard", he groans.

The whole world becomes blurry for a second as I admire Justin. His eyes are crammed shut as his orgasm takes over him. His clenched jaw, the way he's biting his lip. His perfect nose as it wrinkles up. The way his biceps flex as he grips onto my hips. The way his abs are so defined it would hurt if you rested you're head on them.

My thoughts are interrupted when Justin flips us over so I'm now on top. "Doesn't mean you're in charge princess", he smugly smirks. I smirk back before grabbing his cock and placing him inside me. "Ugh fuck", I groan as his hands find my hips, pushing me up and down.

I rock my hips at the same time, giving us both maximum pleasure. "Shit baby, go faster", he demands. I obey basically jumping up and down. Our skins smack together, that and our moans the only noise heard in the room.

I feel my orgasm rising, the feeling the most extreme I've ever felt. "Rub yourself baby, rub yourself for me", Justin groans, his gorgeous eyes staring into mine. I place my fingers on my clit rubbing in circles.

"Oh my God", I scream as my orgasm builds. "Oh my ahh Justin", I scream clenching around him. "Baby let's do this together", he squeezes his eyes shut as our most powerful orgasm ever hits us like a tonne of bricks.

"Fuck", I curse, bucking my hips. Justin releases moans from his plump lips before pulling out of me. I collapse beside him, breathless. I feel arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into their chest.

"Go to sleep baby", Justin coos in my ear. "Goodnight Daddy", I smirk. "Goodnight baby girl", he smirks back pecking my lips.

-------------------------------------------------------------Well fuck....

That was hard-core

Why was Justin so hesitant?

Vote and comment guys!!!

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