[13] - baby, baby, baby oh

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"Ugh, I feel so ill", I groan as Daisy rubs my back. "Come on, Alex will drive you home, you're too sick to be in school any longer".

"Thanks guys", I say once they help me to my bed. "We're staying", Alex says plopping down next to me. I chuckle before the feeling that I dread comes back.

"Oh god", I scream as I run to the toilet and empty out the contents of my stomach. "Awe babe, what have you are", Daisy says.

Suddenly my phone begins to ring.


"Answer it, hear what he has to say", Daisy says. I nod, sliding my finger across the screen.

"Hello?", I say quietly as Daisy leaves the room. "L-Lucia", he sniffles. "Whats wrong Justin?", I panic hearing the pain in his voice.

"I can't do it anymore. I fucked everything up with you and I-I love you and I need you here with me. I know you hate me, but I was drunk and I needed to get my mind off you cause, ugh I just know you don't love me the same", he rants.

My heart slowly shatters into pieces. He thought I didn't love him. Do I love him? Or do I just really like him? I've never been in love before, I have no idea what it feels like.

"Justin", I whisper. "Yes", he answers, silencing his cries.

"What does love feel like", I ask.

He pauses for a moment before answering, "Thats a really hard question. It feels like a thousand fireworks go off inside you when they look at you. Your chest feels like it's going to explode, you're so happy to see or even hear from the other person, but you're both still a little unsure about what to do with the feeling. They're the person with who you most look forward to speaking. Every time their name pops up on you're phone, you can't help but smile. Love is also the worst thing, it makes you feel vulnerable.

If someone is unfaithful in can break you to the point of no repair. Love is a pretty powerful drug. When you feel it, you really feel it. It can suspend time, making the whole world seem still except for you two.

It feeds you more than any nourishment; you feel full in the presence of love.

But there’s a vast difference between love and true love. True love knows no depth. It’s an endless tunnel that sweeps you up in the whirlwind and you’re never quite free from it. It stays with you. And you hope this person will too.".

I didn't even notice I was crying until I felt hot tears hit off my hand. That's how I feel when I see Justin, I just can't help it.

"Justin", I say again, now I'm sniffling. "Yes Lucia", his raspy voice says bringing a grin to my face.

"I love you".

-------------------------------------------------------------AHHHH SHE SAID ILY

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