[24] - water

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I sigh as I step off stage, Lucia standing there with a towel and a warm smile on her face. "You did amazing baby", she smiles. I give her a hearty smile, leaning down and pecking her lips.

I lick my lips, I small smirk on them. "Mmm, sweet", I say kissing them again. She giggles before a groan leaves her lips. "What's wrong baby?", I ask, drying myself off as we walk to the back of the stadium, making our way to the car.

"My stomach, I've been having pain for hours", she groans rubbing her bump. "You don't think?", I look at her and she shakes her head. "I'm only eight months, I can't", she furrows her eyebrows looking at me.

I shrug my shoulders, having no idea what goes on during pregnancy. I feel a sting on my bare arm. "Ow", I hiss and Lucia Justin giggles. "Bitch", I mutter under my breath. "You're mean", she pouts. "You're meaner", I tease and she smiles.

"I love you", she kissing my shoulder. "I love you more princess", I say pecking her shoulder as my arm wraps around her shoulder.

"Back to the hotel", I tell the driver and we sit in comfortable silence, but it's ends when fans begin banging on the Windows and screaming.

"Ugh", Lucia groans covering her ears. I pull her down so her head is resting on my lap. "Its okay babe, we'll be back at the hotel soon", I smooth her hair down with my hand, my finger skimming her soft skin.


Baby, wake up we're here", I softly shake Lucia. She groans, her eyes fluttering open to meet mine. "Baby, we're here", I repeat and she nods sitting up.

We step out of the car, no paparazzi in sight. We walk through the lobby, ignoring the few stares we receive. We step in the elevator, pressing our floor.

"I'm so tired", Lucia moans, her head leaning against my bicep. "You'll be in bed soon babe", I kiss her temple and she relaxes into me. I wrap an arm around her waist, stabilizing her.

The elevator dings and we walk out into the hallway. We approach our door and I open it. We walk in, shutting the door behind us and making a b-line for the bedroom. Lucia collapses on the bed and I chuckle at how tired she is.

I go over to her, unbuttoning her blouse, letting it fall from her body. She leans her head on my chest as I stand in between her legs removing her bra and placing one of my sweaters over her head.

I pull off her leggings, along with her socks and shoes. "Go to sleep baby", I say, tucking her in.

She moans cuddling into the duvet, a soft giggle leaving her lips. I laugh at her, what's so funny? "Love you", she whispers and I smile. "I love you", I say leaning over and kissing her lips.


I hear Lucia gasp but I merely ignore it. She usually talks in her sleep. "Justin", I feel her nudge me. "Justin", she whisper yells. "What, what's wrong!", I panic sitting up.

I look at her face, sheer worry and panic. "What's wrong baby?", I ask.

"My w-waters broke".


Omg Texting 1 just hit 100k

And I might be going to THE PURPOSE STADIUM TOUR

It's in the neighbouring country but it's in summer so it's like a holiday but hopefully I can go...

For standing it's only £93 so I really wanna gooo


Is the baby going to survive?

Vote and comment plezzz!!

Love wuu

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