The Devil, Which Deciveth the Whole World

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The walls were white.

My high heels clicked against the marble floor as I walked. A straight faced blonde woman lead me to Morgan's room. For some reason, I expected him to be rocking back and forth in the corner of a dark dingy room, a mumbling drooling mess. Before Hannah's birthday, it would've been impossible to picture Morgan Sterner as anything but a grinning, confident and collected bastard in an ironed shirt and trouser braces. But, now I'd seen him broken, mad and raging.

Only, he wasn't. The first thing I noticed was his hair, tied up in a ponytail at the back of his head like I'd never seen before. He was calm, dressed all in white, lounging back on a hard-looking mattress, flicking through a tattered looking Bible. Ironic.

"Morgan." I breathed.

His icy eyes flicked up to me from the page, a small smile appearing on his face. Not a Morgan Smirk- just a smile. I tensed a little in disappointment.

"Nora." He said, before turning back to his book.

"Shout if you need help." The lady said before turning and walking off.

I walked into the room and closed the door behind me, smiling awkwardly. He hardly acknowledged my presence, deeply engrossed in his book.

"Just the two of us..." I hummed, unsure what else to say.

No comment.

"We can make it if we try.

Just the two of us..."


I sat on the edge of his bed, but he still didn't look up at me.

"What are you reading?" I asked quietly.

"Revelations. 12:9. "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deciveth the whole world."


There was another silence.

"I've missed you..." I whispered, "And I'm sorry that you ended up here."

For the first time since I'd got there, he closed the book and rested it beside him.

"Why are you sorry?" He questioned, genuine confusion on his face.

"Because I don't know if you deserved to be locked up in here..."

"But they're helping me. The medication helps me realise the truth."

"The truth?"

"That I'm just a normal man. I don't have powers and I've never been to Hell. Physically, that is. The Devil is real, but I am not him."


"I'm not the Devil."

"But-But what about Hannah? You knew her mum's name. And the minute she turned 21 you..."

"I don't know." He said calmly.

If he was him- the real him- he would've been getting more aggressive by now. Morgan was passionate and defensive. But, he was just quiet and matter-of-fact.

"She's a Nephilim." I reminded him.

"Who is?"


"Don't be absurd."

"You told me."

"And look where I am. A psychiatric ward."

"Because I didn't believe you. But I think I'm starting to..."

"Silly girl..." He remarked, turning back to his book.

I clenched my fists and jaw, before scooting beside him and resting my head on his shoulder. He jerked away and furrowed his brows at me.

"What are you doing?"

"I missed you..." I said again, "Come home."

"I don't have a home. I never have."

"Yes you have. What about our flat? What about Viv?"

"Vivienne doesn't care about me."

"Of course she does. You saved her life, Morgan. You literally went to Hell and back for her and-"

"No. That's a lie. I've been telling lies. I'm deluded and I need to tell the truth now."

I sighed deeply, feeling tears prick at my eyes. I'd thought coming here and visiting him would've made me stop missing him. But no. It was as if some stranger that just looked like him had said "Morgan isn't here right now, please come back another time".

"I can't do this..." I croaked, trying to strain past the lump in my throat.

He didn't look up from his bible when I stood up from the bed and took my bag. I leant back over him and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I miss you." I whispered.

I didn't drive straight home. I was going to, but when I saw the little detached house, my curiosity got the best of me. I had to now the truth. And the one person who would know the truth was Vivienne. I had to talk to her.

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