Saved Your Soul

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It was strange to wake up next to someone the following morning. It was strange to hear chatting children in the room next door.

I groaned into Morgan's chest, waking him, before the two of us moaned and stretched.

"Morning, Sweetheart." He grinned.

"Shut up," I snapped, "we are not playing happy families."

"Ugh. I was only to wish you a good morning."

I slid on some leggings under Morgan's shirt that already hung to my knees, then wandered into the kitchen. Jamie and the kids were already awake.

"Morning." Jamie smiled.

"Morning." I replied.

I made he and the kids some toast when Morgan strolled in, clad in my fluffy lilac dressing gown.

"Sharing clothes, eh?" Jamie observed, a small smile creeping upon his face.

My cheeks flushed. I turned my back to them to pour Morgan some Crunchy Nut. His eyebrows raised, before his mouth twisted into a smirk.

"Are you only being nice to me because we have company?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm nice to you!" I defended.


Later that day, Jamie asked me to look after Eli and Evie while he ran back home to pick up their uniform for the following day. I suggested that Morgan go with him just in case, but he refused, saying that he could use the time for himself. That left Morgan and I babysitting. A loner and the Devil looking after two children under 6. Morgan would keep musing about how it was "like a terrible sitcom".

After less than 5 minutes, he decided to go shower and leave me to manage the two children alone. I got out my most easily cleanable paints and A3 paper and let them go for it. From the bathroom, there was a faint, but certainly passionate rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody and I giggled to myself, more at the irony of the song choice than the poor singing itself. The kids must've heard it too and were laughing about how their Daddy sings like that.

Then, there was a large yelp and the sound of water immediately ceased.

"Morgan?" I called wearily.

Morgan emerged seconds later, one towel wrapped around his waist and another around his head, hiding his luscious locks. We all stared at him, stunned at his dramatic entrance, as he dripped water all over the floor like a woman going into labour.

"It went cold."

He then stomped off to his room, leaving a snail trail of cold water behind him.

It was when I turned to get the mop that Eli decided to chase his little sister around the room. The thud made me rush over. Evie's face was already bright red and tears streamed down her chubby cheeks as soon as I picked her up from the floor. I told Eli to be a grown up boy for me and mop up the water as I carried his sister over to the kitchen counter, where I sat her and went to the cupboard under the sink. Though she hadn't cut herself, I thought that the Bob the Builder plasters would make her feel a little better.

"My friend bought me these." I told the crying three year old who probably didn't care, "I was here on my own and I cut my finger. See this scar?"

I showed her the little white line across my index finger, and she began to sniffle instead of , before nodding.

"I didn't know what to do and I was really scared. So I called my friend Hannah and asked her to bring me some big girl bandages, but she showed up 10 minutes later with these and my favourite Disney Princess film."

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