Angel Lust

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"Dead?" We asked in sync.

"Your daughter killed him."

"Why don't you come in?"

A cup of tea was out of the question- Viv didn't want to stay longer than she had to. I sat next to her as Morgan paced the room around us.

"Are you sure it was Hannah?" I questioned, taking her hand and sandwiching it between my own.

"Who else would it have been?" She sobbed, "I leave to go get some gemstones and come back 45 minutes later to find him blue-faced with no pulse and a long red hair on the mattress.

"That sounds like a Nephilim..." Morgan sighed.

"That sounds like Hannah..." I corrected.

We followed Vivienne's canary yellow Mini Cooper back to her house.

"Serves him right for being such a knob." Morgan muttered under his breath.

I took my hand off of the wheel and swatted him.

"Don't speak ill of the dead!"

"I'll speak ill of you!" He retorted like a child, poking out his tongue.

"Well I'm not dead, am I?" I countered, just as immaturely.

"That's what you think."



Viv lead us up to her and David's room, with Morgan moaning about how David was staining the mattress he'd bought with his "bloody blood".

"Shush, Child..." I scolded, fed up with him after only hours of having him back.

Scarlet blood oozed from closed eyelids, dripping down a greying blue face. His lips were parted, as if he'd been gaping at something. He lay there, nothing but a pretty peach duvet to sparsely cover his modesty.

"Does he have to be naked every time I see him?" Morgan whined.

I ignored him and stared at the body in complete shock. How could Hannah do something like this?

"It looks like the life was sucked right out of him..."

"Not the only one that was sucked out of him by the looks of things." Morgan chuckled, nudging me with his elbow and pointing to the tent under the duvet.

I frowned.

"Angel lust..." He giggled, before I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him.

"C'mon, Dear. I'm only having a joke..."

"A joke? A fucking joke? This guy's dead and you wanna have a fucking giggle!"

I shook his hands off my shoulders when he touched me, clenching my jaw.

"I'm sorry, Love. I- I don't get too attached to humans. Death doesn't mean the same to me as it does to you..."

"What if I died, huh? For good, this time. Would you be having a laugh then?"

Morgan was silent.

The floorboards creaked under Viv's footsteps. I swallowed my tears and smiled weakly at her over my shoulder.

"How are you?"

"Not so good. What are you gonna do?" She asked.

Morgan furrowed his eyebrows, taking a step towards us both.

"What are we gonna do? He's your husband. You're the one who wants revenge!"

"She's your daughter!"

"And she's my best friend, Morgan. We have to take responsibility for her."

"Ugh! But I took responsibility for you earlier! I'm worn out!"

"Morgan-" I warned.

"Fine. We'll find her and kill her tomorrow..."

"Kill her?" I interjected.

"You'll do more than that! You'll make her suffer! Like she made David suffer..."

Vivienne was not the same woman she'd been this morning- sweet and lovely and wouldn't hurt a fly. Now, she was thirsty for revenge and I certainly wouldn't fuck with her.

"Hold up." I said calmly, "Beneath all this "Nephilim" Crap, she's still a person. She's my friend."

"She's not your friend anymore." Morgan sighed.


"She's not your friend anymore!" I stared blankly at him, in shock at his outburst, "She's not the same person she was two weeks ago! She's an angel and she has more power than she knows what to do with. She's a killer! And it's all my fault because I couldn't keep it in my fucking pants! Fuck!"

"Shut up, Morgan!" Viv snapped, "The neighbours will hear you!"

"You don't even have any neighbours!" He yelled back, just as loud.

"Stop it! Both of you, stop acting like children and think. We need to think about what to tell the police. How the hell do we explain this?"

"We don't." Viv said quickly, "His only family is a sister who lives in Swansea. As long as I sign his name on the Christmas card, nothing will go amiss."

"I say we bury the fucker in the woods."


"No- no he's right. We'll bury him. Give him a nice little funeral. It's what he would've wanted..."

"Are you sure? Will you be able to handle it?" I questioned.

"Yeah," she sniffled, "Life goes on, eh?"

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