Leap Of Faith

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*Trigger warning for suicide and potentially self harm in this chapter

"Morgan, if I needed your help, would you give it to me?" I questioned, taking his hand and sandwiching it between my own.

He frowned a little.

"Of course. You mean a lot to me, Nora. I'm here to get better for you."

I matched his frown.

"What if I was dying? Would you pull me back from Hell?"

"I can't do that. I'm not the Devil..."

I sighed.

"But would you try? Even if you don't believe that you can."

"I suppose I'd have to..."

"And, if you did, then you'd believe it."

This was more of a statement than a question I gave him no time to answer, before pushing the chair under the door handle. There was a shirt thrown over the bedpost that I then wrapped around my knuckles, much to Morgan's confusion.

"What are you doing?"

I tensed my jaw, bracing for something I'd only ever seen done in films. But there was nothing else in the room I could use.

"What are you doing?"

I stepped over him to the window, wincing as I raised my fist.

"What are you doing?"

I punched. I punched so fucking hard that I felt my wrist crack and shatter along with the glass. Fuck, that was so much more painful than it looked in the movies... Holding my wrist in agony, I groaned, before grabbing one of the sharpest shards of glass, tightening my grasp around it.

"Oh my goodness what are you doing?"

"Needing you."

I took a deep breath in, bracing myself yet again. This could've been both the worst-and last- decision of my life. But, still, I took a leap of faith. For Morgan.

The sharp edge dragged along the length of my arm and the sight of the blood gushing from the wound alone made me feel queazy.


My legs gave in and I crashed to the floor.


The world around me seemed to fade away. Morgan's worried face was the last thing I saw before my eyelids grew too heavy, the image of his glistening eyes burning in my brain as I too faded away...

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