The Father of All Evil and Whatnot

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   Two months was all it took to completely fall in love with Morgan Sterner all over again. I fell in love with him the way you fall in love with your child. Everything they do- even the most mundane things- makes your heart swell. I never wanted more than what we had in that time. I never felt the need to kiss him or touch him or tell him that I love him because he already knew. Love between Morgan and I was not heavy kisses under the covers, but pancakes with maple syrup smiley faces and gossiping over beer and wine.

   Vivienne came over once or twice with cakes and pastries but never a smile. Losing David ha changed her in a way that Morgan said reminded him of the 90s. She'd always been a lone wolf-sleeping with Morgan every now and then to feel needed- but after '94, she'd lost everyone. Every family member that had remained was dead and every musician she'd fallen in love with was dead. Viv stopped talking completely for nearly the entire decade, instead, just going through the motions. From what I'd learnt of her myself, Vivienne needed someone to love, even though she was adamant not to let herself seem so vulnerable.

   On the 26th of August, I threw Morgan a birthday party. Being older than the concept of time itself, Morgan didn't have a birthday and had never took the time to celebrate simply being alive. Besides Viv, Morgan didn't have any friends- just mere acquaintances, which suited me just fine. Less people to deal with. I sent him out to buy some obscure brand of cheese that I hated just so I'd have a couple hours to deck the apartment out with home-made banners and balloons.

   A knock on the door and a wide grin spread across my face.

   "I went to five different shops an-"


   "What in the shit!"

   I giggled, grabbing Morgan by the (non-cheese-bearing) hands.

   "Happy Birthday, Morgo!"

   The confusion didn't fall from his face, despite the grin that slowly matched mine.

   "I don't have a birthday..." he breathed.

   "You do now! On August 26th every year, we're gonna celebrate the fact that you're alive."

   "I'm alive?"

   "Fine. Celebrate your existence."

   10 minutes later, the stripper arrived.

   The buff male stripper dressed as a fireman burst into our apartment and pushed Morgan back against the sofa.

   I watched in amusement as Morgan gaped at the guy, who thrust his crotch at his face.

   "Happy Birthday, Morgan Sterner!" I giggled, before connecting my phone to the bluetooth speakers and blasting 'It's Raining Men'.

   On the 26th of August at 4:25pm, The Archangel Lucifer was getting a lap dance from a fireman in my living-room.


   "Nora Priestly. You have shown me more love and affection in a matter of months than my all-seeing all-knowing father did in millennia. And you got me a stripper."

   "What can I say? I'm a great person."

   "You are." He paused, before pulling me close to his chest.

   The "party" had come to an end after an incredible amount of singing, dancing and drinking. Now, we curled up on the sofa, stuffing our faces with the driest, crumbliest cake I'd ever had. But it didn't matter because Morgan was the one eating it alongside me.

   "You're the first person who has ever celebrated me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I know who I am. I'm the Father of All Evil and whatnot- I'm not expecting a bloody parade in my honour. But there's a reason I feel this way. I need to feel alive and to feel alive I need to feel loved and I've never had that until you, Nora. I love you. And I'm so thankful for you."

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