You're the Devil

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We cleaned the floor with wet toilet paper and a toothbrush until it looked vaguely clean. When we were done, Morgan stitched up my arm well a sewing needle and some dental floss. I questioned why it didn't hurt very much and why it didn't bleed anymore, but he assured me the wound wouldn't cause me anymore trouble now that I was back. He draped a blue plaid shirt around me, concealing the dodgy stitch work, before we left. Just fucking left.

We left the shattered glass there. We left most of Morgan's clothes there. And, most importantly, we left that damn Bible there.

When the blonde nurse questioned what on Earth Morgan thought he was doing, he looked into her eyes and told her he was leaving. She simply nodded, as if in a trance, and signed the papers there and then. Neither she or I asked questions.

"Don't mind the mess, Love." He'd added.

The Fiesta was silent. Morgan and I were just happy to be back in each-other's company- on Earth. By that point, I'd come to terms with who- or what- he was, and I believed him. I completely trusted him. I trusted him with my life.

"McDonald's?" He suggested, breaking the silence.

"Oh God yes!"

At the booth in Macky D's, I had a question.


"Hmm?" He looked up, scoffing five chips into his mouth at once.

"You're the Devil."

He quickly chewed and swallowed.

"I'm glad you believe me now, Dear, but we're in public. You'll get me crucified like my little brother."

That was gonna take some getting used to- hearing my roomie refer to Jesus Christ himself as "little brother".

"You're the Devil." I repeated, quieter, "So, surely there was some way for you to escape that hospital?"

"I'm an angel, Nora, not a fairy."

"You know what I mean. That nurse was fine with you just walking out of there. That's not normal!"

"Of course it bloody isn't- I'm the Devil. I can do what I wan't!

"So you could've?"

"Could've what?"

"Gotten your way out of hospital."

"Before they pumped me full of "medicine", yes."

"Then why did you stay?"

"To be honest with you, Sweetheart, I have an odd love for hospital food."
I chuckled, before dropping the subject completely and finishing my Big Mac.

Skip was ecstatic to see him, leaping and pouncing up at him. Morgan giggled and dropped to the floor, letting him run and jump all over him. I gave a content smile at my two boys and went to the kitchen to grab myself a beer from the fridge.

"Morgan! Want a beer?" I called, unaware that the two of them were trailing behind me.

He stood at the doorway, hands on his hips and Skip at his feet.

"Nora Priestly... I leave you for not even two weeks and you've already forgotten that I'm a champers girl..."
"My apologies, Ma'am." I replied, reaching for the cupboard.

"Not even in the fridge... How have you managed without me?"

"I haven't." I told him truthfully.

We curled up on the sofa, hidden under his duvet. I'd given him a tenner on the way home to run into HMV to grab us a film for the night. He returned with Rosemary's Baby and a Michael Bublé CD.

"It was on offer!" He justified.

"That's because it's August, Dear. That's a Christmas album."

"No. The film was on offer. I just really like Bublé. Wait a sec- did you just call me Dear?"


We watched the film, occasionally meeting eyes and grinning at how ironic the movie choice was. A little past halfway through the film, I felt my eyelids begin to grow heavy, exhausted after the day I'd had. I let my head droop, resting it on Morgan' shoulder. His fingers lazily combed through my hair, until eventually the room was filled with soft snores. I relaxed completely, finally feeling at ease.

Drifting off to sleep there and then was one of the best feelings I'd ever had. No worries, no cares, no second thoughts...

The Devil was by my side and I loved him. I loved him not by what the Big Book says about him, but by what he'd proven to me.

Bang bang bang!


I jolted up, basing my head on Morgan's jaw.

"Ah fuck!" I hissed, holding it in pain.

"What?" Morgan groaned, peeling his eyes open, "Did you just punch me in the jaw?"

Bang bang bang!

"Get the door, will you?"

"You're the one wearing a shirt!" He snapped.

My fingers drifted over his exposed chest beneath the duvet, reminding myself of his bareness. I grunted, before pulling myself up off of the sofa and opening the door.

Bang bang ba-


She was a mess, a complete contrast to the pristine condition she'd been in earlier that day. Her hair was scooped upon the top of her head and her pretty apron dress was covered by a massive lumberjack-looking jacket. Mascara trickled down her dainty doll face, giving her a kind of ghostly appearance.

"Viv, Darling, what's the matter?" Morgan questioned, seeming to suddenly appear behind me.

"It's David..."

"Has he left you?" I could hear the hope in Morgan's voice.

"No! He's dead!"

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