Cut Out Her Wings

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*This chapter was uploaded last night but for some reason Wattpad decided to delete all the words in it :/

Morgan and I met in the car at 11am. I was struggling to manage both the coffee in travel mug and bagel I'd made myself, whereas Morgan sat himself down in the car with a sharp silver knife and a bottle of cheap whiskey.

"To catch a Nephilim," he explained without being provoked, "we must think like Nephilims."

"Get drunk and have lots of sex?"

"Exactly." He winked.

"And the knife?"

"To cut out her wings."


We weren't going to get drunk and have lots of sex. At least, I wasn't going to. We were following up on what he'd found out yesterday about each victim being engaged. Viv had mentioned a travelling wedding convention that David had taken her to a couple of days before, so we decided to check it out. A wedding convention was certainly a great place to pick up unfaithful engaged guys...

The two of us immediately split upon arrival. The place was essentially a large hall with tons of little pop up stalls and many many people. Morgan went to the tailor and I to the florist to ask about for Hannah.

I'd asked around four different stall holders if they'd seen someone matching Hannah's description, perhaps accompanied by a "gentlemen friend". The cake tester lady had said she'd seen a beautiful redhead but she'd been alone and it had been quite a while ago.

I was thanking the lady when Morgan came over, making me jump by slinking an arm around my waist.

"Nora, Dear..."

"Morgan! Jesus Christ!" I relaxed a little, "Have you found her?"

"Not exactly. But someone saw her go into the cafe down the road with some blonde guy about ten minutes ago."


"You guys are so sweet!" The cake lady beamed unexpectedly, causing me to jump again, "Are you guys...?"

She gestured between the two of us, insinuating that we were together.

Never much of a liar, I blurted the first thing that sprung to mind. Also, it seemed that Morgan did too.

"He's my uncle."

"She's my fiancée."

Though we'd spoken at the exact same time, both responses were just as loud and clear as the other.

I froze, watching as her smile twisted in confusion.

"Excuse me?"

Morgan, goddammit.

I waited for him to make something up on the spot, but, it seemed he'd had the same idea- waiting for me. He was the Father of Lies, for goodness sake! Even if I could've thought of something to say, I wouldn't've been able to force it out of my mouth. I was frozen solid.

Morgan must've finally heard my mental prayers for him to speak. Perhaps he actually could, being an angel and all. However, it probably would've been better for all involved if he'd just stayed quiet.

"It's a complicated relationship."

He smiled and kissed my the top of my head and, if I could've moved, I would've face-palmed there and then. Or hit him. Yeah, I'd just slap Satan himself round the face...right.

"Oh..." Her face distorted in disgust, though she tried to remain professional and not show it.

"Come on, Love, we must be going... Got to find Cousin-Sister Bridesmaid Hannah, eh?"

The whole ordeal was forgotten by the time we were walking down to the café, Morgan concealing the silver blade under his sleeve. I'd already told him that he wasn't allowed to stab her in public. All I'd gotten in response was, "I'm taking any chance I can get.", which was just about as reassuring as it sounded.

I was mid-word, when Morgan pushed me into an empty bus stop and covered my mouth with his hand.

"They're there." He shushed, peering over the side of the shelter.

"Let me see."

I pushed him out of the way and watched them for myself. That was Hannah, looking sexy as ever, and a tall blonde man, who looked... familiar?

"I know him." I muttered.

"What? Who is he?"

My eyes shot open at the realisation.


"Who the fuck is-"

"Remember, I told you about him the night you moved in. The guy from my art class."

"That's The Aries Dickhead?"

"Shh. They're getting into his car."

"Let them. Jesus, this is your opportunity to get revenge. Think of your fourteen year old self."

"No, Morgan. His ex died two years ago- he's raising his two kids alone."

"Oh. That's slightly admirable."

"Exactly. We need to follow them back to his house and get it there, okay?"

The drive there was intense. We not only had to hang back far enough as to not arouse suspicion, but also hope that Hannah didn't recognise my crappy indigo Fiesta. They pulled up after around 10 minutes of driving and she lead him by hand to his detached house, dangling his keys in front of him like a donkey and carrot.

"What do we do?" I asked quietly.

"What do you mean what do we do? We go in there and gank the bitch."

"We can't just go in there."

"Why not?"

"They're probably...making out."

Morgan rolled his eyes and practically pulled me out of the passenger door.

"Nora, Dear, stop being such a prude. We have a Nephilim to kill."

Defeated, I went with him to the door. He turned to me.

"I can sedate her while we tie her up. I don't know how many souls she's consumed and therefore how powerful she is. There's no way of knowing how long she'll be out for, so be ready to go in and tie her up ASAP."

"Can't you just stab her?"

"No! Of course not. The important thing is not killing her before we cut out her wings."

"What? Why?"

"The human part of her will die. That's her only weakness. Killing her human side will end her mortality and she'll become a full angel. Unkillable. I should know- I tried many times with my particularly annoying brothers."

"So we cut out her wings and she's human again?"

"It's not that simple."


"It just isn't, okay?"

"No. Not okay. If there's any chance of salvaging her humanity- we're taking that chance. I'm taking that chance. Okay?"

"...okay. Now step back, I'm gonna knock down the door."

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