The Ruler of Hell Himself

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We curled up on the sofa, each nuzzled into our own corner, tucking into our noodles.

"Oh, how things have changed since the last time we did this..." Morgan mused.


"You didn't even know who I am. What I am."

"I was still alive..."

"Bloody Hell..."

"No that was a couple of months after."

He snorted and rolled his eyes.

There was a pause, where we locked eyes and our wide grins slowly faded to sincere smiles. I broke the silence a few moments later.

"Do you think we were happier then?"

"Yes." He said without hesitation, "You had your best friend. But things will get better. You'll mourn. And you realise that, if we hadn't been through all that, more people would've died. Hannah would've become even more powerful and even more crazed. It was for the best, Love. And, now, we have no secrets. You know all there is to know and you'll never have to leave me."

"Oh, Lordy, I'm never getting away from you."

"You love me and you know it."


There was another pause, but this one was long and comfortable F.R.I.E.N.D.S was playing in the background- The One Where Chandler Can't Cry- as we ate.

"I fucking love soy sauce!" Morgan exclaimed suddenly, making me giggle in confusion.


"I could quite happily drink an entire bottle of it."

"Go on then."


Without another word, I went to the kitchen and grabbed the almost full bottle of soy sauce, throwing it at him.

"Go on then. Drink it."


"I'll give you a tenner."

"Bitch, I'll do it for free."

He flicked up the lid and tipped the bottle's contents into his open mouth, chugging it like a cold bottle of water on a hot day. I watched, unable to tear my eyes away. The dark liquid got lower and lower until the plastic bottle was empty. He smacked his lips, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and belched, grinning.

"Holy shit..." I breathed.

"There will be later, My Dear."


"No, Morgan."

"Shut up!"

"So, did you enjoy it as much as you thought you would?"

"It was decent. Probably would've been better licked off of Ryan Gosling's abs. Have you seen that man, Nora?"

"You've had too much to drink."

"Or have I?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, pointing towards the two empty wine

bottles beside the prawn crackers.

Morgan giggled and hiccuped, his body loosing all tension as he leaned back and draped an arm over my shoulder.

"You tired?" I questioned.

"Slaughtered." He replied, "Time for bed, Nora the Explorer."

He placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek, before pulling himself up off of the sofa and trudging to his bedroom.

I slept in my own room that night. Well, slept wasn't the right word. I laid back, eyes closed, listening to the soft snores through the thin walls. It was almost as if we'd reverted back to the way we were before. In the few hours that followed, it was easy to forget. Easy to forget that Hannah was a Nephilim. Easy to forget that she was gone. Easy to forget that I was dead. Easy to forget who Morgan was. The Morning Star, Lucifer, Satan... Whichever name he went by, it didn't change the fact that the Ruler of Hell himself was now stealing my Crunchy Nut. Every. Bloody. Morning.

And I couldn't've been happier.

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