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"Avi," Kirstie whined, stretching out the 'i' in his name. Avi looked up from where he was reading his book quietly on the couch. It was truly one of the coldest afternoons in New York, so the pair couldn't do much, it was just simply to cold to do anything. 


"I'm so cold," Kirstie said as she obviously shivered, she just prayed Avi would take the hint. Luckily for her, he noticed what she was trying to imply but decided to take a leaf out of Kirstie's book and teased her. 

"Do you want me to make you some tea?" Avi cheekily grinned. Kirstie grumbled before walking over to the couch anyway and flopping down on Avi, tossing his book to the side. "Hey! I was reading that," Avi did his famous superfrown but Kirstie ignored this and simply took off his beanie and put it on her own head before snuggling closer to him.

"Just shut up and cuddle me," Kirstie mumbled into his chest and they quickly fell asleep to the sound of the fire crackling next to them and their hearts beating as one. 


"Oh my goodness, she's literally on top of him!"

"Look how Avi is smiling in his sleep, that's so adorable."

Kirstie squinted as she adjusted to the light again and was shocked when she saw three familiar faces towering over her. It took a minute for a mind to register that it was actually her three band mates and when she did, she jumped off of Avi and into their arms. 

"Oh my goodness, what are you guys doing here? And how did you get in the apartment?" Kirstie's smile was a mile wide and the three others returned it. Avi was still sleeping through all the commotion.

"We missed our princess so much, it feels like we haven't seen you in years. Look at how much you've grown!" Mitch clutched his hand to his chest and wiped away a fake tear. "Oh, and we came to visit Avi too. Can't forget about him," he added on quickly, causing them all to laugh. 

"We knocked on your door but got no response so we just opened it to find it was unlocked. But now we know why there was no answer," Scott winked, causing a blush to appear on Kirstie's cheeks. "Oh my dear soul, you're wearing his beanie too! My heart just exploded from all the feels."

"What time is it anyway?" Kirstie said, wanting to change the subject quickly. 

"7 'o clock," Mitch replied and Kirstie was shocked. Was she really asleep for that long? She turned to the couch to see that Avi was still sleeping soundly. She didn't want to wake him up but their friends were here and once he got over how tired he was, he would be happy to see them all. 

She knelt down beside him and whispered sweetly in his ear, "Avi..." 

"Huh?" He mumbled, his eyes still closed and wanting to go back to sleep.

"Avi, our friends are here."

"That's great," he muttered, turning over so his back was towards Kirstie. Kirstie huffed but then Mitch came from the kitchen with a glass of water in his hands and smiled evilly at Kirstie. Kirstie returned his evil smirk and gladly took the water out of his hands. She wanted to wake him up, not give him a shower, so she just poured a tiny amount of liquid onto his face and it worked like a charm. 

"What the - Kevin and Scömìche! What are you guys doing here?" Avi smiled when he saw his friends and stood up to give them all a hug. Two weeks may not seem like a long time but he missed his friends dearly. If Kirstie wasn't here to keep him company he probably would've gone insane already. 

"So how long are you guys here for?" Avi asked, noticing the pile of luggage behind them.

"Only five days, then we're off to LA again," Scott replied. 

Mitch pretended to check the time on his phone and then gasped fakely, "Oh my goodness, we need to go check in by the hotel!" He then proceeded to grab Kevin and Scott by the arm and was just about to walk out the door when Avi piped up.

"Wait, you guys can stay here instead! It's more convenient, it's free of charge and it will be more fun."

The three friends smiled. Truth was that they never booked a hotel, they knew Avi's kind heart and they he would definitely offer for them to stay at his place. It worked out perfectly according to their plan because it meant that Kirstie would have to share a bed with Avi.

"Perfect! Me and Scotty will take the guest room, Kevin can sleep on the couch while you and Kirstie can stay in your room," Mitch said, smirking at the two in front of him. Immediately they started to turn as red a tomato and Avi awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. 

"Um, it's fine, I mean I'll sleep on the couch. Kev can be with Avi," Kirstie stuttered.

"No Kirst, I'll sleep on the couch and-"

"Y'all were literally a few minutes away from making babies on the couch, I don't see why you can't share a bed," Mitch added. 

"MITCH!" They both screamed while Scott, Kevin and Mitch were in hysterics.

"Perfect! We all agree then," Mitch winked while the two glared daggers at him. 

Life would be interesting with the five of them together.

An extra long chapter because I felt so bad that the last one was so short :)

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