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"What are you doing here?" Kirstie asked, shocked at the man standing in front of her. Avi walked to the door to see who it was, and almost fainted when he saw Jeremy. 

"I've come for you Kirstie. I understand that you left because you were nervous on our wedding day but we can always reschedule. I know you don't love Avi," Jeremy said and Avi's blood boiled with every word that came out of his foul mouth. 

"You little-" Avi started but Kirstie cut him off by placing her hand on his chest and giving him a look that said, 'It's fine, I'll handle this.'

"Jeremy, I'm sorry that I left you at the altar but it would've been wrong to marry you while I loved another man. I love Avi, I really do," Kirstie replied while gazing at her boyfriend with a loving look. Avi smiled at her but was still uneasy about Jeremy's presence.

"So you're going to run off with a guy who looks like a hairy gorilla while you could have me?" Jeremy smirked and that was the final straw for Avi. He had never punched someone before so he wasn't expecting so much pain in his hand when it happened. Jeremy stumbled back and grabbed his nose which was so oozing red liquid. 

"Jeremy!" Kirstie shrieked. She didn't have romantic feelings anymore and he was being a bit of a douche, but he didn't deserve to be punched. She ran into the kitchen and grabbed a paper towel for him to hold to his nose. "Avi! How could you do that to him?"

"You're lecturing me? He's the one who called me a gorilla and you're defending him, Kirstin?" Kirstie cringed, Avi never called her Kirstin unless he was upset.

"I think you should leave," she said quietly. Jeremy stood there and watched all of this with a satisfied smirk on his face, still clutching the paper towel to his nose. Avi's heart shattered into a million pieces. He scoffed and gave a death glare to Jeremy before slamming the door behind him.

Kirstie wanted to run after him, apologise for defending Jeremy but she didn't. Instead she dragged Jeremy to her bathroom so she could attend to his nose. "I'm sorry that Avi punched you, it was uncalled for," she said while holding a frozen bag of peas to his face.

"Yeah, it was uncalled for. I don't see what you see in him, Kirstin. What if he hits you one day?" Jeremy replied and Kirstie let her mind wander for a bit before coming back to reality. No, Avi would never hit her, Jeremy was just messing with her brain.

"Avi would never hit me, the only reason he punched you was because you pushed him over the edge."

"Kirstin, he's no good for you. Olaf and Pascal miss you terribly," Jeremy now held both of Kirstie's hands in his which made her uncomfortable; his hands weren't soft and reassuring like Avi's. "Let's get back together, we can be happy again like we were before silly Avi came into the picture."

Will Kirstie get back together with Jeremy? ;) I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE THIS BOOK HAS 1K READS THANK YOU AGAIN FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. And this book is coming to an end soon :P 3 more chapters to go!

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