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Kirstie had a feeling of happiness bubbling in her stomach. It had been a whole week since she and Avi kissed and it was honestly the best week of her life. They hadn't put a label on their relationship yet, but they definitely kissed a lot more and it was absolutely wonderful. 

When she spilled the news to Scott and Mitch they were ecstatic, saying that, 'It was about damn time,' and asking for the juicy details. "There really isn't any juicy details to it, we kissed and it was sweet. Nothing kinky involved," Kirstie had said and they were disappointed in her answer. 

Unfortunately, Scott, Mitch and Kevin had to fly back to Los Angeles after a few days, leaving the apartment alone to Kirstie and Avi again. As much as the two missed the rest of their squad, it was kind of nice to not have Kevin squeal every time they kissed.

Kirstie woke up in the bed that she and Avi now shared together and was captured by the smell of cheese grilling; Avi knew all of her weak points. The scent carried her to the kitchen where she a sight that made her want to giggle but also melted her heart.

"Got a real girl and she loves me a lot, and ain't no other man is going to take my spot. And I, I'm so happy you're mine, I'ma love you a long time," Avi sang merrily as he was dishing up a perfectly made grilled cheese sandwich onto a tray which also carried some orange juice, an apple and had a single rose in a vase. 

"Good morning," Kirstie said and Avi jumped at the sudden noise. He turned around and saw Kirstie with her arms crossed over her chest and a devious smirk on her face.

"Damn it! I wanted to surprise you," Avi sighed and then had a look of panic written on his face. "You didn't hear me singing, did you?"

Kirstie laughed before giving Avi a quick peck, "Don't worry, it was adorable."


"Tell me why you thought it was a good idea to take a morning walk when it's freezing cold?" Kirstie grumbled at Avi. She didn't handle the cold very well.

Avi smiled, he thought grouchy Kirstie was adorable. "We've been cooped up in that apartment the whole time we've been in New York so now we're getting some fresh air."

"What we're going to be getting is hypothermia," Kirstie muttered so she thought Avi couldn't hear her, but he did, and gently nudged her in the ribs with his elbow. He thought of ways he could make Kirstie feel a bit warmer - but those weren't public friendly - so he slipped his hand in Kirstie's, gently caressing her hand with his thumb. 


"So much better," Kirstie sighed contently, dropping her head onto Avi's shoulder.

They walked in silence, soaking in each other's presence and stealing glances now and then. Avi felt so blessed; he was in a successful band with four of his friends, which one of them he was madly in love with, and he was almost certain that the feeling was mutual.

"Avi, there's a coffee shop! Can we go and get something to drink? I feel like a human popsicle," Kirstie said, snapping Avi out of his train of thoughts. 

He gulped. It was now or never.

"Sure Kirst, but can I ask you something quickly?" He stopped walking so she stopped with him. She nodded her head to indicate that her answer was yes and Avi took a deep breath in while clutching Kirstie's hands.

"Kit Kat, I really like you, and I have for a while now but I was just too much of a coward to say it until recently.I promise to be good to you, to make you breakfast everyday and to always tell you how much you mean to me. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Kirstie burst out giggling and Avi's heart sank for a minute. She's going to reject me, he thought. But instead, Kirstie grabbed both of Avi's cheeks and connected their lips together in a loving kiss. 

"You're an idiot," she smiled as she slipped her hand in his again.


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