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Kirstie hadn't heard from Avi in two weeks. No hanging out anymore, no calls, not even a damn text. It was as if he disappeared off the face of the Earth, which was why she so surprised when she received a text from him that morning. Mornings were depressing now that she didn't wake up next to Avi.

Please be at my apartment at 10am today.

No emoji attached to the message, not even a kiss at the end. It sounded so formal and unlike Avi that she cringed. The last thing Kirstie wanted to do was talk to Avi but she agreed anyway, for the sake of their relationship.

Kirstie politely declined Jeremy's offer to get back together. She didn't have any romantic feelings left for the guy and she didn't want to lead him on. Besides, she was still in a committed relationship, even if it was a bit rocky at the moment.

So that day, Kirstie hopped out of bed at 8 and prepared herself for her meeting with her boyfriend. A part of her wanted to dress up and impress him, show him what he's missing, but another part didn't want her to seem to desperate. She decided to have a balance and dressed somewhat nice but not over-the-top.

Before leaving, she took one last glance at her reflection. I'm going to either come back with a boyfriend or without one, Kirstie thought to herself. She sighed sadly before making her way toward's Avi and Kevin's apartment.

Avi was nervous; petrified; anxious. He was just feeling all the worst possible feelings at the moment because he had no clue where his relationship with Kirstie stood at the moment, and it was all because of Jeremy. 

The doorbell rang and Avi's heart stopped. Was this a bad idea? Was she coming to break up with him? He decided to man up and opened the door to find that it wasn't Kirstie, it was Jess. Even though they dated a while ago, the two were still quite close and texted frequently. Even so, he was surprised to find her at his doorstep with tears running down her face. 

"Jess? Oh my goodness, come in! You're shaking," Avi said, trying his best to comfort her. He kept an eye on the clock at the same time, it would be awful for Kirstie to walk in and find his ex-girlfriend with him.

Jess stuttered, trying to get the words out of her mouth, "Jordan cheated on me." A loud sob followed her sentence and Avi immediately took her in his arms; he felt sorry for poor girl, nobody deserved to be cheated on.

"I'm so sorry-" Avi's sentence got cut short due to Jess roughly grabbing him by the collar and slamming her dry, chapped lips on to his.

Meanwhile, Kirstie was approaching his apartment and looked through the open window to see the entire scene. She felt her heart break immediately and ran away, a stream of tears already making its way down her face. Guess I'm leaving without a boyfriend, she thought.

As soon as Avi realised what was happening, he pushed her away. "What the hell, Jess?" He yelled, causing her to cower with fear. 

"I'm sorry, I just want to be loved and-"

"I think it's best you leave," he growled and she quickly made her way out the door.

Kirstie kicked a stone as she walked home. How could Avi do that to her? Their short lived relationship was clearly over which made her world crumble even more. No more morning kisses, no more hugs from behind, no more Avi. 

Then it was as if a light bulb was glowing above her head. She quickly grabbed her phone from out her pocket and dialled a number she hadn't dialled in awhile. 

"Hey, Jeremy? Yeah, I think I'm going to take up on your offer. Let's get back together."

TWO MORE CHAPTERS :O What do you think is going to happen?

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