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Avi woke up to Kirstie planting butterfly kisses on his face and he sleepily smiled once he saw her, remembering the night's events. A wonderful feeling spread throughout his entire body and he felt as light as a feather. He felt nothing but love for the woman lying beside him and he knew that he wanted Kirstie to wake him up every morning like this.

"Morning," she mumbled in his neck. She noticed the dark purple marks she had left there and smirked, feeling proud of herself.

"Good morning Kit Kat," he hummed merrily before leaning over and planting a quick kiss on his girlfriend's lips. It would be an understatement if you said Avi was the happiest man on Earth. He was laying in a bed with the girl of his dreams, with nothing but crisp, white sheets covering the two of them. Life was treating him well. "I have something to ask you," Avi said nervously.

Kirstie sat up suddenly, wrapping the sheets around her chest and eyeing Avi suspiciously, "You're making me worried but carry on."

"It's nothing bad, I just wanted to know how and when we should tell the fans we're dating," Avi said sheepishly, playing with the hair tie around his wrist. Kirstie could've melted on the spot, Avi was so adorable when he was nervous; but he was right. The fans didn't even know that Kirstie wasn't with Jeremy anymore, according to them Kirstie was still happily engaged.

She groaned, "I'm not going to sugar coat it, the whole situation is going to be quite messy. Um, I think I'll write a blog post explaining everything, it's the easiest way." Avi nodded, still not making eye contact with Kirstie. "Are you okay, Dragon?"

Avi finally lifted his head up to see Kirstie looking at him with concern in her eyes. "I'm just worried that the fans won't approve of our relationship," he said quietly. Kirstie's heart broke to see him like that. She instinctively reached for his hand and interlocked her fingers with his. 

"I don't give a damn about what anyone thinks of our relationship, I love you and only you; that's all that matters." 


Avi tapped his foot impatiently, staring at his watch. Only one minute had passed since he last checked but it felt like hours to him. Kirstie had left the apartment to write the chapter for her blog at a local coffee shop and now he was waiting for her to post it. He was both anxious and intrigued to see what Kirstie had written about their relationship, but more anxious to see what the fans would say.

A vibration came from his left pocket which meant he got a notification on his phone. He didn't get his hopes up as the previous times he got a notification it was just some text message which wasn't urgent, but his eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw Kirstie had finally uploaded the new chapter.

I've never really been the greatest when it comes to love.

I tried too hard, forced things upon people which I obviously realise now was dumb. But the whole point of this chapter isn't to tell you about my past love life, it's to tell you about my current one. 

Majority of you know Jeremy. I'm not going to beat around the bush, I'm just going to come out and say it; Jeremy and I are no longer together. Why? Well, I'll tell you.

Jeremy is a wonderful man and I'll always love him, but I am no longer in love with him. Some time ago, I found myself falling in love with another man while I was with Jeremy. I eventually kissed that man at my very own engagement party - scandalous, I know - and from that moment onward I started to develop feelings for him. I knew I loved him when it was time for me to walk down the altar and all I wanted to do was run into his arms. Now you're probably wondering who this man is and well... it's Avi.

Yes, Avriel Benjamin Kaplan, the dragon lover and my fellow bandmate. A little while ago, Avi moved to New York and I followed him here, as creepy as that sounds. We became closer and closer - you may have noticed on Kevin's snapchat - and now we're dating.

I know a lot of you were very fond of Jeremy but I ask from the bottom of my heart, please be respectful to me, be respectful to Avi and be respectful to our relationship. We've both be through a lot recently and the last thing we need are teenagers hating on the idea of us together.

Avi truly makes me happy, happier than I've been in a really long time. I love waking up in his arms, I love that he makes me breakfast every morning, I love how he gives me cute kisses on my nose. I love his long, flowing hair, I love his beard that tickles me every time we kiss, I love his deep voice that sounds super sexy in the morning.

But most of all, I love how he makes me feel like I'm the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. He stares at me like I'm artwork, but little does he know that he's the real masterpiece. Have you seen his jawline? I can now understand why Mitch calls him 'Big Daddy.' 

So, that's about it my loves. Like I said, please be kind to our relationship as this is a very scary but exciting part of our lives and I can't wait to share it with you all. 



Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school has been crazy :p I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!

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