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"You looked so adorable back then! Look at your little grin," Kirstie squealed, snuggling closer to Avi. The couple was looking through an old photo album of Avi's, laying on the floor of their apartment while the fire toasted their feet. 

Avi did his famous superfrown, "Are you saying that I'm not adorable now?" Without waiting for an answer, he proceeded to poke Kirstie's sides which caused her to squirm around. He continued to do this for a few minutes until she couldn't breathe and there were a stream of tears running down her face. 

"Okay, you win!" Kirstie panted like a dog. "If you waited for an answer, you would've found out that I think you were adorable then and now," she tried to glare at Avi but it just ended up being a really cute side smile which made him kiss her nose.

The two looked at each other in silence; words were not needed for a conversation to take place. The love they had for each other radiated off them, anyone who had a brain could see it. Avi started to play with the curls in the Kirstie's hair and he knew now was the right time.

"I love you," he whispered, never breaking the contact.

Something inside Kirstie jumped with delight, causing her heart to hammer faster and her mind to become hazy. They had said the special word to each other before, but as friends. This was something completely different and it made her feel like she was on cloud nine. "I love you too."

Avi sighed contently, he got scared for a moment. He was certain that the feeling was mutual between them but sometimes he couldn't help but get a bit doubtful. Kirstie was perfect and he was just... Avi. "Don't ever stop saying that," he mumbled into the crook of her neck, closing his eyes and getting lost in the feeling of Kirstie's warmth.

"I won't," she breathed out, closing her eyes too for a brief second until she remembered something. "Avi?"


"Did you write a song about me?" 

His eyes shot open and his face flushed a deep red. "Two actually," he said sheepishly. 

"Could I hear one of them?" She asked with a smile on her face. Without waiting for answer from Avi, she ran to their bedroom and grabbed his guitar. Avi superfrowned at her but she simply shrugged. "Hey, you did the same to me earlier."

She handed over Avi's prize possession to the man himself and waited for him to start. Once he did, she immediately lost herself in his words and the relaxing sound of the guitar. She paid attention to the words but she paid extra attention to Avi himself. The way he shut his eyes in concentration, how his fingers gently strummed the strings, just how much of his heart and soul he poured into the song; it meant the world to Kirstie and the fact that it was about her made it more meaningful. 

Once he strummed the final chord he anxiously looked over to Kirstie who had tears splattered on her cheeks. "So what-"

He had tried to start a sentence but was cut off by Kirstie slamming her lips onto his. He quickly moved the obstruction between them away and allowed himself to pull her closer. "That was the best thing anyone has ever done for me." He didn't manage to fit another sentence in because Kirstie was already moving her lips in sync with his.

His hands instinctively found their way to her waist, one hand starting to move up her shirt, causing her to gasp in Avi's mouth. She immediately started to feel much warmer, and she had a feeling it wasn't because of the fire. 

She started to tug at Avi's hair, causing his man bun to fall and his curly locks to fly everywhere. "You should wear your hair down more, it makes you look even hotter than usual," Kirstie mumbled against Avi's lips before detaching herself from them and working on his neck. Avi let out a breathless moan, slipping both his hands up Kirstie's shirt and leaving a burning sensation behind.

They both could tell where this was heading so Avi paused quickly to say, "Are you sure you're ready? We don't have to rush into anything if you don't feel comfortable."

"I'm one hundred percent comfortable with this," Kirstie said, dragging Avi to their bedroom. He happily obliged and shut the door behind them.

He just hoped the neighbours wouldn't complain...

Hehehe I think you guys can imagine what they got up to ;) I don't really know how to write smut so I didn't attempt lol.

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