Chapter 1

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A/N hey guys! Welcome my karmagisa fic! All authors notes will be in bold. Enjoy the story!

Nagisa's pov                             
The world is grey today. It's probably because I had a fight with my mum last night. I'm exhausted. I refused to wear a dress and she got mad. It's ok now though, I mean my head is still hurting because of her kicking me. My ribs hurt too. They might be bruised. Oh well I can fix that. I'm not bad with first aid stuff.
"Nagisa, nagisa." I open my eyes to see korosensai. "you really shouldn't sleep in class" I wipe my sleepy blue eyes.
"Sorry korosensai" I say politely    
"It's no problem nagisa, but please pay more attention to class next time"
Some of the class sniggers. I smile, embarrassed.

Karma's pov
I walked into the classroom. Late of course but then again I'm never really trying to be on time.

"KARMA!" Korosensai's voice booms at me.
"Yeah yeah sensai, I know I'm late." I reply.
I see nagisa sitting at the back of the class. He's so cute. I walk over to him.
"Hi nagi-chan" I sing
"Please don't call me that karma." He replied and he seemed genuinely sad.
"Heh, Sorry" I said "are you free this afternoon?" The words fell out if my   mouth before I could stop them.
"Um...I-I'll have to check with my mum." He said unsurely.
"Can you text her now?" I asked
"Er, yeah sure!" He reached for his bag and pulled out his phone. " says it's fine." His lips curled upwards into a smile.
"Great! See you later then!" I replied
happily. Then I left, humming to myself.

Nagisa's pov           
I watch karma leave. The truth was my mum didn't say yes. I didn't even bother to text her. I just didn't want to go home today because, after the argument last night, who knows what kind of mood she'd be in. Karma smiled and left. I really like him. Like alot. I've had a crush on him since forever. I know he's a boy and all that, but I've been out with other boys before. Kinda. He is beautiful though. My mum probably wouldn't be pleased to hear that. She doesn't really like karma. She says he's stopping me from being a perfect little girl but she just forgot one detail. I am a boy.

A/N noice! First chapter published. Sorry they're so short I'm no good at writing long stuff 😂. See ya in the next chapter! C♡

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