Chapter 5

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Nagisa's pov
My alarm wakes me up. That's good. My mum won't be awake yet. Luckily she didn't do anything yesterday. I just got a long lecture on how I should be a good girl and always be back home on time. It makes me feel disgusting. I wish she would stop misgendering me. It's ok though. I can deal with it for now. I put on my uniform and put my hair in its usual style. Pigtails. My Mum went crazy when I first started wearing them. She's still upset about it.

The walk to school is long and tiring but my injuries are almost healed now so it's much easier. As I'm walking I see a mess of red hair in the corner of my eye. Damn, I said I'd tell karma the truth today.

I pick up my pace a bit and start to speed up my walking. Karma speeds up too. I run and he chases. I run all the way up the mountain and past the school. My injuries killing me with searing pain that I can just about manage to ignore. I run into the thick forest behind the E-class building. My legs fall limp and I trip, landing on my face. Karma catches up to me and puts out a hand to help me up. I take it unsurely and stand up. "You did say you would tell me." He says, his fiery red hair flowing in the wind.
"I did." I answer. I sigh. Defeated.
"Please don't run away. You know I just want to help you." He says
"I know." I'm just not sure he'll like what he hears.   
"Can you tell me?"
I look around. "I don't want or need anyone else to know."
"Don't worry we're alone here." He comforts.
"And you're not going to tell anyone?" I question.
"Pinky swear' he holds up his pinky finger.
"Ok then." I curl my pinky around his and we shake them childishly.
I start to tell him. About my mum wanting a girl, about dad leaving beacause he couldn't deal with her, about her forcing me into dresses, about when she's angry, about how she wouldn't let me cut my hair. It all started pouring out of me. I guess I was glad to finally tell someone. I felt tears welling in my eyes. As I finished, the tears wouldn't stop.

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