Chapter 13

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Nagisa's pov
I don't know how long it's been since I've seen karma. I don't know how long it's been since I've seen anything. It's so dark. I want karma. I want to see his golden eyes sparkle when I smile at him, I want to hug him, I want him to tell me it's all going to be okay, I want to kiss him but most of all I want to tell him how beautiful he is. I miss him. At least she hasn't been back since I woke up. This could be good or it could be really really bad. My stomach rumbles quietly, It feels like a week since I've eaten. I know it hasn't been that long. It couldn't have been that long. I'm sure karma will find me soon. He's looking for me. I know it.

Karma's pov
I decided to ask everyone for any information on nagisa and his mum. I asked his neighbours, I asked the rest of E class I even beat up a load of D class students who used to know him. I wrote it all down in Nagisa's old notebook. It was one of the things we managed to pack when he came to mine. I found out lots. Stuff like how when his mother came to parents evening she would bribe the teachers with money to keep nagisa in the main building and how when he was almost sent to E class his mum went to the head fuming with anger but then when she came back she looked happy, almost pleased with herself, then how Asano (the headteacher's son) was acting strange all week afterwards and had been spotted with nagisa in town a few times by some of his neighbours. Now I just had to talk to Asano. I hoped he wouldn't be too uncooperative. I walked up to Asano's house, Nagisa's note book in my hand. I knocked on the black ebony door. Asano answerd. "Um hello?" He said not looking up, he seemed almost disgusted by the fact someone was standing at his front door. When he realised it was me he didn't seem much happier. "What are you doing here?" He growled.
"I want to ask you some questions" I say, getting straight to the point. He scowled and looked confused. "It' nagisa."
He scowls again...or maybe that's just his normal face."Come in then."
Wow he actually let me in.
"What do you want to know?" He demanded.
"Well to be honest I'd like to know why this was so easy?"
"Well you don't seem like the kind of guy who'd just let someone he hates into his house like that." I state.
Asano shrugs. "Well this is about nagisa right?"
"What, do you suddenly care about him now?"
"N-no. It's just I think when someone goes missing it isn't exactly the time to act stubborn."
"Good. So...first question." I open Nagisa's notebook.
"Isn't that Nagisa's?" Asano questions.
"Yes. Now first question." I say. He looks at me with distain, obviously not wanting to answer anything.

"Asano Gakushu have you ever dated Nagisa Shiota?"

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