Chapter 12

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Karma's pov
It's been a day. It's been a whole 24 hours since nagisa went missing. And it's all my fault. If only I'd answerd the door instead. If only I'd been there with him. The police are looking for him now. I called them. My grades are definitely suffering and I think korosensai can tell. I just can't focus with nagisa on my mind. I've been called to korosensai's office a lot to talk about nagisa. Mr karasuma said he would try to get some help from some friends he has that work for the government but they haven't found anything yet on where he could be neither have the police. What if they never find him. What if he's hurt. It would be all my fault.

The rest of the class have been trying to help aswell but it's not like they can do much as no one really knew nagisa that well apart from me and kyano. Nagisa. My beautiful amazing Nagisa. The boy who lit up my world with his geourgeous smile, I miss him. karasuma and korosensai are doing their best to console me but I can't help but worry. He's my boyfriend. I should have saved him. Now he's gone and it's all my fault. I'm sitting outside the school now, my back against a cherry tree as I let the wind flow through my fiery hair.

"Karma." I feel someone tap me on the back. It's korosensai. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"I'm fine." I reply bluntly.
"Don't lie to me karma. I can help. Now what's on your mind?"
"What's on my mind? Is that even a question? I think you know what I'm thinking about." I snap.
He sits down next to me. "Well whatever you're thinking about, if it makes you feel so bad maybe you should do something about it?"
"How? HOW? THERES NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT THIS! I HATE IT! I HATE HOW HELPLESS I AM!" I shout at him, tears forming in my eyes.
He taps my head " but karma, that's where you're wrong. You're not helpless. You're one of my students. You have a solution for every situation. You're strong karma, you just need to do something with that strength."
He leaves me at the cherry tree, the pink blossoms falling at my feet, his words echoing in my head. "You're not helpless."
He's right. I'm not helpless. "I'm going to find him." I think to myself. "I'm going to save you nagisa."

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