Chapter 16

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Karma's pov
I run into the office building where I'm meeting karasuma. Rain pours down outside as I enter the warm and cosy reception area. I take down my umbrella. The water droplets stain the windows. The ringing of telephones and chatter amongst business men surrounds me, clouding my thoughts with noise. The lift dings and karasuma steps out. We walk towards each other.
"Hey teach!" I wave.
"Karma! You're here! Good!" He replies.
"so what's the news?" I ask impatiently
"Well...we have an idea of where Nagisa might be...and who he might be with..." karasuma pauses. "But we can't do much about it without proof."
"What do you mean?" I demand.
He sighs "You see, we aren't exactly permitted to go barging into the home of an ex-government official without any evidence or knowing exactly what we're there for, can we?"
"Ex-official?" I question
"Yes. They got fired."
"For what?"
"I'm- I'm not supposed to tell you that."

Nagisa's pov
I wake up from dozing off again. I still feel dizzy but it's less prominent then before. I can at least think clearly to myself now. It wasn't my mum. I think that was the thing that suprised me the most. I don't know what happened when I fell unconcious but she was gone when I awoke. I think she fed me. I don't feel hungry anymore so maybe that's it. I feel like I've been here for years. My legs are numb from being in the same postion for too long. It's a bit like when you've had pins and needles and it's just about starting to go away but could come back at even the slightest of movements. I hear loud footsteps walk to the door and it slowly creaks open. She's back. "Hello Nagisa! How are you doing today?" She asks. I don't answer. Her cheery tone makes me feel sick.
"Not talking? You do know a conversation is always more fun when everyone contributes..."
"I'm fine." I speak. My voice clear, no longer horse from not drinking. She looks pleased.
"There we go! Now was that so hard?"
"Now maybe we can have an ordinary conversation!" She smiles. I can talk. Even if my body unable to I can at least say something in an attempt to fight back...I scowl.
"Ordinary!? What the hell is ordinary about this whole situation!?" I snap. I'm finally able to speak my mind.
"Oh my! Quite the sharp tounge you have there!" She laughs. "I wouldn't call this situation ordinary, you're right."
"Then what would you call it?" I ask angrily.
"Necessary. It's a necessary situation. You're going to be stronger after this."
"What are you talking about!!? I don't even know you!"
"Oh! Well I guess its only fair for me to explain myself if you're going to be such a big part of my experiment!" She laughs "And I think you do know me, my name is Ms Hiyori Shiota."

A/N omg I'm so sorry this took so long! I've been so busy and haven't had much time to write. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Pls vote and comment!

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