Chapter 15

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Karmas pov
I closed Nagisa's notebook and said my goodbyes to Asano. He was suprisingly more helpful then I thought he would be. I think I've even got a small lead now
Here's what I found:
•Nagisa's parents divorced a few weeks after nagisa moved to E class, Nagisa's dad hadn't been seen in the area since.
•after the divorce Nagisa's mum was a lot more agressive towards others but I guess that's understandable when you're husband left you with barely any money.
•Nagisa and Asano were forced to date (+Asano thought nagi was a girl)
•Nagisa has an aunt who lives close to the school and a cousin that lives in Hong Kong but other than that his parents are his only family
•He has no owed favours or promises to anyone that Asano knows of

The only reason that's springs to mind on why someone would kidnap nagisa is his mum is an insane bitch and has kidnapped him because she's an insane bitch? I mean it's the most likely, but what if there's something I'm missing here. Nagisa's dad isn't quite out of the picture yet. No one seen him for years though. Maybe the principal knows something? Maybe I should interview him aswell? What's this about an aunt amd cousin anyways? Nagi never talked about them before...
Endless questions run through my brain wildly until I settle on a plan. Next: to interview Principle Gakuho.

My phone beeps at me and I look at the message I've been sent. The screen illuminates my face making my golden eyes sparkle. It's from karasuma

KarASSuma: Hello Karma. We've managed to find the general area that nagisa could be in. I was wondering if maybe you'd like to talk a bit? Call me if you'd like some more information.

I laugh at the name I gave him and start typing to reply.

You: Thanks teach. I'll take you up on that offer. Can I call you later?

KarASSuma: Ok that sounds good. Talk later

Ok then, change of plan.
Next: interview Karasuma
I can do this. I'm going to find you Nagisa.

Nagisa's pov
I feel dizzy. She came back a while ago and gave me some kind of drink. It wasn't water. Well it didn't taste like it was. It made me feel really sleepy and lightheaded. Most of my cuts have healed now. I don't know why she hasn't hurt me again. She did say she wanted me to be 'stronger'. What's that supposed to mean...? Maybe she meant healthy? ...but what for? Maybe she's not hurting me because I'm cooperating now? I wonder what am I cooperating with... My eyelids feel heavy again but just as they're about to close, I see her walk into the room I'm in. For a split second the light from behind the door brightens the room. The sudden light half blinds me but as my eyes adjust I catch a glimpse of her face. Her wrinkles frown at me. Disgusted but somehow intrigued. The shadow begins to fall once again across her spiteful gaze. Her face becomes a scowl. It looks twisted and angry, full of hatred.

It's not my mum.

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