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Once Matt was sure that Lana was asleep, he gathered the others in the living room and they came up with a plan.

"Lana told me that before they let her go, Gilbert said he wasn't healing like he used to and I think that we can use that to our advantage when it comes to Ludwig and maybe Feli." Matt said leaning forward in the armchair with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"That is some valuable information and I think we might be able to carry that plan out within the next two days. I have some men figuring out their locations right now so as soon as we have that, he's as good as gone." François said while swirling the wine in his cup.

"Are we going to change Gilbert and Ludwig or are we going to kill Gilbert and then change Ludwig?" Al asked, finally entering the room. He had spent most of the day bashing in criminals heads, trying to take out his anger before he took it out on his family.

"That's a good question, Al. If Gilbert is dying then there is no point in keeping him. So I think that we should kill him and keep Ludwig and if we by chance end up getting Feli or even Kiku then we can change them." Oliver suggested, coming from the kitchen with a teacup in his hand.

"But, if we kill Gilbert, then Klaus will die too, which wouldn't persuade Lutz into helping us." Matt said.

"Then just keep him alive? And then we'll have both on our side which gives us a better advantage." Al spoke.

They all sat or stood there in silence, thinking over their plan. Originally they weren't going to start with the Axis but instead finish the Allies but as of right now, this worked out perfectly for them, or at least it did until the other nations figured out what was going on. That's when things would get extremely bad. By that time though, they would have at least two more people changed over, and both of them would help convert the others.

The discussion continued on for about another hour and only ended when Maxi woke up and Matt didn't want Lana to have to get her. He was more worried about Lana's and Maxi's safety during all of this than he was his own. But once their plan was finished, he could do all he pleased and wouldn't have to worry about her being taken away or the originals taking him away from her.

Matt picked up Maxi and held her close, he wanted to squeeze her, to show her how much he had worried about her, but his strength would crush the baby. "Daddy was worried about you. I thought I would never see you again." Maxi looked up at him and smiled, which caused the 'cold' hearted man's heart melt. Matt fed Maxi and changed her diaper before putting her back to bed then headed to his room. He looked at Lana and smiled, she was what he wanted for most of his life. He never told anyone but he always hoped that one day he would have a family of his own but with him being a nation it was nearly impossible and what he had with Lana should have never worked out and yet it did. Matt truly loved Lana, he loves her so much that if she told him to get rid of Kuma, he would do it in a heartbeat.

Matt had a plan though for the future after all the nations were converted. He knew exactly how he would make the relationship last forever. He would make Lana a micro-nation.

The next morning, or well afternoon, Francois woke Matt up, Lana was still asleep was well, and told him to follow.

"I was given Ludwig's location. All we have to do is come up with a plan so we need Lana out of the house." Francois said as soon as they walked into his room. Matt thought for a second then remembered that Maxi needed some more clothes.

"I'll have her go shopping today or something, I'll have to call her sister though, I don't want her going out there by herself."

"That's fine, as long as she's out of the house, I don't want her around when we are talking about this, it could end badly." Matt left the room and walked back to his room only to find Lana in the shower. After a few minutes she walked out of the bathroom wearing one of Matt's plaid shirts. The end of it only came to the middle of her thighs and showed off the rest of her short, thin legs. Matt's heart beat sped up and his face had a touch of pink.

"What are you staring at?" Lana asked, pulling down the shirt so it would cover more of her thighs.

"You, you look so good right now." Matt walked over to Lana and kissed her. He tried leading it to be something more but she pushed him away with a smile on her face.

"Not right now, maybe later." Lana walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of short shorts then put them on. When she bent over, the shirt rode up, showing off the red underwear that she had picked out just for Matt and he groaned.

"You are making this real hard for me to wait." Lana finished putting on her shorts. "And since you are making me wait, you should go and buy something to wear for me."

"Fine, but I hope you're paying for it. If you are, then I'll go and get something super appealing."

"That's fine by me, I'll give you extra so you can go and buy Maxi something as well." Matt kissed Lana's forehead. "Call your sister though, I don't want you going alone."

Lana rolled her eyes and walked out of the room and into the living room, where she was greeted by Oliver.

"Good afternoon Lana."

"Good afternoon Ollie. Is Maxi up yet?"

"I don't think so, I haven't heard her cry or anything."

"That's because I have her." Francois said as he walked into the kitchen holding a sleepy baby in his arms. Maxi yawned and rubbed her eyes and the three adults smiled at her cuteness.

"Awe, did Uncle Fran wake you up?" Lana rubbed Maxi's cheek with her thumb and Francois mumbled a 'don't call me that'. He then walked passed Lana and set his niece in the high chair so she could be fed. "Do you have everything under control Francois?"

"Yeah." Lana nodded her head and then went into the living room to lay on the couch. She was only laying there for a few minutes before both of her cats came and laid on top of her. Of course, Al wanted to join in as well and ended up lying between Lana and the couch, which did not please Matt when he saw them, but he didn't say a word.

A little later on Lana took Maxi to the mall and went shopping with Rani and Emmie. Rani was getting super close to her due date with the twins, which she found out were both boys. At one point they ended up spitting up so that Lana could go find some lingerie. She found a nice baby blue satin and lace baby doll dress and thong set and figured that it would be good enough for its purpose, not like she was going to wear it for long anyways.

On Matt's side of town things were going just about according to plan. Oliver was positioned in front of the house with his magic ready, while Francois went to the back door and Matt and Al covered the sides of the house. They were going to try to scare the group of people out of the house. At first they thought that just Ludwig and Gilbert were here but judging by the cars in the driveway, Feliciano and Kiku were inside as well.

Matt and Al had a bag full of firecrackers to throw inside the windows or set off next to them if the windows weren't open. On Matt's side of the house, a window was open, so he lit up two firecrackers and chucked them into that room and ran to the back of the house to hide for a few minutes, while Al taped firecrackers to the sides of the window and set them off. Al took off behind the house to hide as well. Inside the house there was chaos, Ludwig ran out the front door to see what was going on outside and when he did, Oliver blasted his magic, creating a huge portal that Ludwig ended up falling into. When he fell, he let out a shout, which attracted everyone else and as soon as they ran out the door, they fell into the portal as well. After a few moment, out popped Lutz, Kuro, Klaus, and Luciano. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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