The Meeting

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The time had come for the guys to go to the world meeting, through many hours of argument, Lana and Maxi ended up going with but had to stay in the lobby. The lobby was a plain room, well more like an opening that had many hallways going off of it. The walls were painted a light yellow, one much like the inside color of fancy hotels, fake potted trees stood in any corner there was. A big desk was sitting in the middle of the lobby,y it was round in shape and a secretary sat there. Her plain brown hair up tightly in a bun, her navy blue suit was clean and ironed, free from any type of wrinkle and she smelled vaguely of dog.

Lana had set down Maxi, putting a few toys around her while the boys walked into the meeting, which was held down the hallway that was closet to her and was the first door to the right. The hallway was poorly lit, and looked really gloomy compared to were she was sitting.

Matt, Oliver, Francois and Al were all expecting to see the others like them when they walked into the meeting but to their surprise, it was the originals.

Immediately after they walked in, the room got silent and Ludwig stood up, in shock from what he was seeing. Berwald, Matthias and Ivan all looked at Ludwig , waiting for the command. Ludwig flicked his wrist, signaling for them to capture the aboriginals. Ivan grabbed Oliver, Berwald grabbed Matt, Ludwig grabbed Francois and Matthias grabbed Al. Oliver, Al, Matt and Francois just stood there, letting them grab a hold of them. If they fought against them then they would probably have more of a hard time.

"Ludwig dear, why are we being restrained?" Oliver said, giving the blonde a small, innocent smile.

"Because you're dangerous!" Ludwig yelled.

"We are total harmless." Oliver was total calm as he talked, he had vowed not to get anger and hurt any one, it would have been differently if Lana and Maxi wasn't sitting down the hall.

"You are not! Last time you came around many of use were severally injured!"

"I still don't see why we are being restrained, we simple walked in here."

"Move them to the other side of the room, away from the door." Collectively, they all moved to the other side of the room and shut the door so if anything happened there would be less of a chance of someone hearing it.

"Well hello there handsome." Matthias said to Al, who of which looked like he was pissed off.

"Shut the fuck up." Al gave Matthias an evil glare, not really frightening the Dane.

"Now Al, that is no way to talk, especially with ladies in the room." Oliver gave a nod to the side, as if he was referring to the girls in the room, which was Elizabeta, Lili, and Michelle, just to name a few.

"Shut up!" Ludwig yells. Lana, who was watching Maxi roll all over the floor heard the loud shout from her spot in the lobby. She had heard many yells before that as well, but had ignored them, but this time she picked up Maxi's stuff, grabbed her and went to the meeting room. She leaned her ear against the door and heard a few voices talking and some yelling. After a minute Lana walks in, only to have the whole room go quiet. Oliver's and Matt's eyes went wide, if things went the wrong, they could end up loosing her.

"I think you are in the wrong room." Ludwig said from behind Francois, who looked like we was a little bit worried.

"No, I'm in the right room." Lana looks over at her friends. "Matt, what's going on? Why are you restrained?"

"Lana, take Maxi and get out of here." Gilbert switched places with Ludwig and Yao switched with Ivan. Lana gave Matt a look, one that said 'I'm not leaving until I get answers.' Ludwig and Ivan moved closer to Lana and she shoots backwards.

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