Where's My Matthew?

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"Hello poppet."

"Who are you? What have you done to Arthur?" Lana slowly walked behind Francis. The stranger man in her house was giving off really creepy vibes and usually Lana would be okay with creepy vibes but this man was off the charts creepy.

"Lana go get America." Francis whispered to the frightened girl behind him.

"Who's America?" She whispered back. The stranger just looked around the house as if he was admiring it. He could here everything they were whispering but didn't say a word, it would ruin his fun

"Shit, go get Alfred!" Francis pushed Lana towards the front door. When she got outside she here the stranger yell 'No Swearing!' Lana grabbed the leashes from Alfred and pushed him towards the house.

"Francis needs you! Hurry!" Alfred ran inside as Lana yelled at him.

"What's going on in there?" Matthew asked, looking down at her.

"I don't know, there is some strawberry blonde freak in there and I don't know what happened to Arthur." Matthew looked worried for a moment then smiled at his girlfriend.

"I'm sure everything will be fine." He kissed her forehead then whispered, "Stay out here, I'm going to check on them." Matthew walked into the house and after five minutes Lana got worried. Was there anyways the stranger could have murdered all of them? There was no way, the man didn't look at strong.

Gathering up the courage Lana took Emmie out of the stroller and walked inside. When she walked into the kitchen, the stranger was gone and there was no blood on the floor. There was two explanations for there being no blood, either the stranger is somewhat polite and cleaned up  after himself or the boys were still alive. Lana started getting teary eyed at the thought of her friends being killed.

Before Lana looked through the rest of the house, she had decided to lock up the cats in the laundry room so if the stranger was still here, they wouldn't get hurt. Emmie though, she couldn't lock her in a room and she would only really be safe in Lana's arms. 

As Lana walked into the living room, there was a slam, one that sounded like the front door slamming shut. Instantly Lana ran back into the kitchen only to see another man she didn't know.

"'Bout time you joined us doll face." This new man had bark brown hair and tanned skin, and sun glasses covering his eyes. He leaned against the front door blocking Lana's way out. She turned around and ran towards the back door, but a man stepped in front of that door too. This man had long blonde and a five o'clock shadow and was smoking a cigarette. Again Lana turned around and ran into the living room. 

The dark haired man and the guy with the cigarette walked forward, blocking off those sides of the house. Then there was a push against her back. Lana turned around and saw a giant polar, well it was giant compared to Kumajirou. The bear walked forward and Lana walked backward until she was against the wall. When the bear didn't stop, Lana tried moving the baby further away from it.

"Back off." A voice called out, and the bear backed up. Lana slid down the wall and onto the floor. She sat there, baby cradled to her chest and knees up. The man that had called the bear walked to Lana and looked at her shaking form. She looked like she was about to have a heart attack. "Hey," He spoke to her but Lana just stared in front of her with wide eyes and ragged breaths. 

Lana looked up after a minute and got a good look at the man standing in front of her. He had dirty blonde hair, purple eyes and had the same curl as Matthew did. When she started to calm down this Matthew look alike bent down to pick Lana up.

"Don't touch me!" The man took a step back. "Who the hell are you and how did you get into my house?"

"Calm down, you're gonna scared the baby." He forced the baby out of Lana's arms and stood up with the child. Lana started freaking out, a stranger was holding her niece and he looked like a serial killer. "Isn't that right Emmie?" The baby laughed and reached towards the mans face.

"How do you know her name? Who are you?" Lana got up and tried taking Emmie back but it was no use, the man wouldn't give her back. She started getting teary eyed again, there was three, maybe four strangers in her house, one had just taken her niece and there was no way to escape the house. There was always the window but Lana wasn't crazy nor stupid enough to leave Emmie with people she didn't know.

"Aw don't cry, I'm Matthew."

"Where's my Matthew?" The so called 'Matthew' bent down and looked Lana straight in the eye.

"I am that Matthew."

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