The Morning After

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Lana woke up to her beloved boyfriend holding her close to his chest. It was about seven when Lana had woken up and she decided to actually get up and make breakfast for her guest, but the baby would have to come first since she was currently crying. 

Lana quickly got out of Matthew's arm, which wasn't hard since he wasn't holding her tightly and then got out of bed to grab the baby. Emmie had a dirty diaper and was hungry and Lana quickly took care of both needs. She then puts the walker infront of the tv and turns on some little kid tv show before cooking breakfast.

Cooking was something Lana loved doing so it was actually no big deal that she was cooking for a small number of people. But figuring out something to cook was the hard part. Lana had learned over the counter, looking through a cook book at the different cusines. She had remebered Matthew telling her what everyone liked eating and Lana was determined to make it for them. 

"Athur likes scones, that shouldn't be too hard to make." Lana told herself while walking around the kitchen getting things the cook book said she needed. "Then Francis likes crepes, that's not hard either." She preheated the oven to 350 before grabbing bowls and measuring cups and anything else. "Scones is kind of like making biscuits so ill make some of those while I'm at it for Alrfed's breakfast sandwich."

It took Lana at least an hour to get everything finished and her kitchen was a mess but that was something she would be able to handle easily. Now what she needed to do is wake up her guest.

Lana first went to wake Francis and Arthur, who were sharing a bed. Francis had gotten up pretty easily but Arthur wouldn't get up.

"Arthur if you don't get up I will have to resort to drastic measures." Lana warned Arthur, but he just rolled over and ignored her. "Fine, I told you."  Francis had went and woke Matthew and Alfred and they were all standing in the doorway watching Lana. Said girl was climbing on top of the bed then stood on it. "I'm giving you one more chance Arthur, it's not my Fault you didn't cut the Sherlock Marathon short." Still no reply so Lana started jumping on the bed lightly. Arthur grunted but did nothing else so she bounced a little hard until she was actually bouncing on the bed and the man was soon bouncing up and down as well. That was until he fell on the floor. Arthur just laid there and tried to process what had happened. "Get up, breakfast is on the table  and it will get cold if you don't hurry up."

The trio in the door way was trying to hold in their laughter. Lana walked past them and into the dinning room. The table was set nicely and small mounds of food was sitting on top nice platters. There was scones for Arthur, crepes for Francis, breakfast sandwiches for Alfred and pancakes for Matthew. Lana didn't make anything for her but instead would take one of each of everything.

"Lana, you didn't have to go through the trouble of making all of this." Matthew spoke quietly.

"Well I did anyways so eat up. Coffee is in the coffee pot, Arthur there is tea bags in the cabinet above the coffee pot and a kettle already on the stove. If you want something else, there is also a strawberry banana and honey smoothie in there, so help yourself." Lana grabbed herself a coffee cup, one that said have a nice day and on the bottom of the cup was a hand flicking you off. Once she had her coffee Lana sat at the table and grabbed what she wanted to eat. 

They all chatted politely and had a nice breakfast and afterwards they boys said they would clean the kitchen. This gave Lana the chance to change Emmie's diaper again then sit her in the walker again. Emmie soon took off and ended up hitting the coffee table with the side of the walker. She turned around and ran the other way, hit a few more things and then ended up in the kitchen with the boys.  Lana giggled when she heard a few ow's followed by an unhappy Francis walking into the living room holding the walker with the baby in it. 

It was about half an hour before eleven and the boys where done cleaning the kitchen. Benedict and FM sat on Lana's lap while Lana cuddled with Matthew. The cats were waiting patiently for eleven o'clock so they could go on their daily walk. 

When it finally did turn eleven Benedict and FM ran towards the door. Lana and Matthew got up, as did Alfred and Francis, Arthur had decided to stay behind and take a little nap. Matthew held Emmie while Lana got the stroller and Francis and Alfred put leashes on the cat.

It was a really nice day outside, the wind was semi-cold and the sky was blue, birds where chirping and the air was as fresh as mountain air. A butterfly landed on Emmie's nose and she laughed and kicked her feet. When the butterfly flew away Emmie reached out for it, this made everyone smile.

When the group headed back to Lana's house, there was something wrong and Lana could sense it. She handed the leashes to Alfred and ran inside. Emmie was left with Matthew and Francis ran into the house after Lana. When Francis and Lana ran inside, the intoxicating smell of cupcakes floated throughout the house. Francis and Lana both knew Arthur couldn't cook. They looked at each other then walked further inside. They both saw somebody that wasn't Arthur, quite the opposite actually. This man didn't have Arthur's blonde hair but instead strawberry blonde hair. The man turned around and smiled at Lana.

"Hello poppet!"

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