The Next Chapter

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The next morning Lana went to check on the baby but when she went to the crib,it was empty. Instantly she started to freak out, the first place she looked was the kitchen, not really knowing why but she just had that hunch. Matt, whom was up long before Lana, was in the kitchen cooking with Maxi in one arm and a spatula in his hand.

"Good morning." Matt turned around and looked at his girlfriend.

"Morning, there's coffee already made and I'm working on your breakfast." Lana smiled, walked towards him then kissed his cheek, but not before standing on tip toes and making him bend down slightly."You didn't forget about school did you?"

"You sound like my mother, no I didn't forget. Are you sure you can handle the baby by yourself?" Lana poured herself a cup of coffee, inhaling the strong scent as she did so.

"Yes I can and if I need help, which I won't, then I'll ask Oliver."

"Okay, don't forget the cats need to go on their walks and so does Kuma." Kuma mostly stayed outside in the backyard so he wouldn't hurt Lana or the cats. Every once in a while he needed to be walked so he wouldn't feel so cramped in the small backyard.

"Yes yes, I know." Matt handed Lana a plate of food, it wasn't to extravagant but it would be enough to hold her down until she got home later that night. Lana ate quickly then went to get dressed. She dressed in a normal t-shirt and jeans, today she wouldn't be around dead bodies so it wasn't necessary to wear special clothing.

"Alright Matt, I'm leaving now." Matt met Lana at the door and gave her a good bye kiss. The kiss was a short one, more like a peck then an actual kiss, but she would get another when she arrived home again. "I'll see you later, take good care of her."

"I will." Mat kissed her again then shut the door when she left the driveway and was out of site. Lana walked to school, it wasn't too far and luckily it wasn't raining. The forecast called for rain later on during the day, and hopefully it wouldn't rain until after she got home. That way she wouldn't have to call Matt or Al to come pick her up.

When she got to school, the teacher told them some stuff about the embalming fluid and required that they write an essay on how important it is, yet how dangerous it could be to alive people when injected. The lecture continued on for a few more hours before they were released. Unfortunately, it was raining, so Lana made a call to Al. See if she called Al, and talked sweetly to him, he would go and get her ice cream, whether it was vegan or not, Lana didn't care she just really wanted ice cream.

"Hey Al, can you come pick me up?" 

"Why?" Lana rolled her eyes.

"Because it's raining dip-shit."

"Where are you? The college?"

"Yeah." Al grunted and mumbled that he would be there in a few minutes. When he arrived he was in his usual attire, a t-shirt, ripped jeans and a dark brown bomber jacket. "Thanks for picking me up Al."

"You're welcome, but I don't see why you didn't ask Matt to do it." Al started to drive as soon as Lana's seat belt was on, last time she had gotten on to him for driving without a seat belt and now he waits for her to put it on, as well as wearing one himself. Al drove to the nearest frozen yogurt store, lots of stuff there was vegan so it was perfect for him and they also served Lana's favorite ice cream, which was a win for her.

"How did you know I was going to ask for ice cream?" Al looked at her with an eyebrow raised.

"You always ask for ice cream every time I pick you up." Lana smiled as he parked the car and they got out. "You want the usual right?"

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