Sleep Over

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A few weeks had passed and many dates had happened. It was currently a friday afternoon and Lana invited Matthew and his brothers over for a sleep over. Matthew had called back after awhile saying they all would be attending.

Not too long after that, Lana's sister Rani came by.

"Lana,  I need you to watch Emmie, Paul and I are leaving for a business trip for a week. " Rani explained in a hurry.

"I have plans,  And are you sure you and Paul don't just want alone time?"

"It's both actually,  but I have to be at the airport in the next hour so I can't talk for long. We will be gone for about a week." Rani put the car seat on the floor, Lana looked down and inside was little Emmie asleep. Her hair resembled her mother's but the facial features were similar to her father's. Sudden Paul walks in with a play pin and a big bag of baby stuff.

"Fine, whatever." Lana mumbled. She wasn't to fond of taking care of a baby for a week and not only that but she would have to cancel her plans.

She called Matthew and explained what happened, he understood but didn't want to cancel the sleep over.

"Lana, everyone will help you with the baby, its no big deal. Francis and Arthur know a lot about babies, I know a fair amount and so does Alfred. It's no big deal."

"Alright, thanks Mattie. I'll see you tonight. " Lana hung up the phone and looked at the things in her living room. The play pin would need to go in her room as well as the clothes  and the bottles and formulas would need to be moved into the kitchen.

Quickly she moved everything, and then looked at the sleeping baby. Emmie wasn't older than 5 months. Lana had been around the child since she was born, but she was only around because Paul wasn't able to be. He was always away on some business trip or doing over time at work to support his family.

Lana checked the time, 5:00, her quests would be there around 6:30. She still hadn't went shopping for snacks, hurriedly she grabbed the baby and the smallest bag with baby things in it then rushed out to the car.

At the store she had a little problems with the buggie and the height of the car seat on top. She was only a head taller than the buggie but with the car seat, she couldn't see at all.

Lana grabbed many things like chips, sodas, cookies, popcorn and candy. She grabbed things for nachos and stuff for breakfast the next morning. She had invited them to stay all weekend, but Matthew hadn't given her an answer to weather or not they would. While Lana was in the store she grabbed two more bottles of wine and another bottle of vodka. With her buggie mostly full, she made her way to the check out and then back to her house to tidy up for the up coming guests.

By the time Matthew had arrived with his brothers, Emmie was awake and being fed.

"Good evening Mon Cheri. Oh, what do we have here?" Francis asked looking at the baby in Lana's arms.

"Ah Mattie you didn't tell me about this! Way to go man!" Alfred shouted causing the baby to jump.

"You stupid wanker, you should know that in the little time they have been together that it wouldn't be possible. Use common sense." Arthur announced as he walked into the room.

"This is my neice Emmie. She's five months old." Lana explained to them.

When Lana got done feeding the baby she set her down on the floor,  the baby then started scooting around. Which had caused Francis to start cooing at the small human.

After awhile, Lana put in the first movie and showed them the rest, which just so happened to be a whole sequel of movies and sequels of other movies as well. While the previews played,  Lana popped popcorn and put it in a bowl and the same with the chips. She stirred the cheese dip she made earlier then took the snacks into the living room.

In the middle of the second movie Lana got up to get a glass of wine and vodka mix then set back down. After the fourth sip or so, she felt relaxed.

After taking a glance at Lana, Francis took the sleeping baby up to her crib then headed back down stairs. He took the wine glass and smelled the contents.

"Mon cheri, you mixed vodka with wine, while taking care of a child?" Francis has a worried toned in his voice, the others looked at her.

"I only planned on having one glass and straight vodka gets me wasted. And thats with a few glasses, straight wine doesn't get me drunk." Lana sat up from her previous potion, her head on Matthew's lap. She looked at the guys and rolled her eyes at their faces of disbelief. "You seen how perfectly normal I was at the movie theater, that was after two glasses of wine."

She took a sip of her mixed drink then layed back down. After a few moments, they all sat back and continued to watch the movie. Towards the end of the fourth movie, which was actually the second episode of Sherlock, Lana fell asleep while sitting on Matthew's lap and her head on his shoulder.

Matthew looked at the others, who are either intensely watching the show or are falling asleep. He pushes Alfred awake and suggests he goes to bed.

Matthew gets up with Lana in his arms and looks at Arthur and Francis. "I'm taking Lana to bed, then going to bed myself."

"Good night chap, do you need help with her? " Arthur asks, looking up at Matthew.

"No, I'm fine. Good night Arthur, Francis." He walks up the stairs and enters Lana's room. He lays her on the bed, as soon as he does, the baby starts whining. Matthew walks over to the play pin and picks up the baby. He bounces her slightly then checks for a dirty diapeler. Quickly he changes it then looks for a pre-prepared bottle. Fortunately there was one in the play pin, after picking it up Matthew fed Emmie.

Francis leaned against the door frame, watching his younger brother. Matthew took the empty bottle out of the baby's mouth and placed her on his shoulder. While Matthew was patting Emmie's back, Francis made himself known.

"You will make an excellent father one day frère." Francis spoke, his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

Matthew's face turned red. "Oh Francis, I didn't see you there. Why aren't you down stairs watching Sherlock?"

"I had decided to go to bed, but when I passed this room I saw you taking care of Emmie. By the looks of it-" Francis was cut of by the said baby burping, rather loudly. "Ahonhonhon you are doing rather well. "

Matthew laid Emmie back into her bed, she was already half asleep.

"Good night Mathieu. " Francis walked out of the room and Matthew shut the door. He got into bed next to Lana and pulled her close. He was started to really like this girl, and he was hoping, that she would feel the same about him.


frère- brother (french (obvi))

A/N: Rani is pronounced like Ronnie.

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