My Changed Friends

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He was her Matthew? That couldn't be, her Matthew didn't look anything like him, and he wasn't as loud either. 

"Is there any way that I could get back the other Matthew?" Lana asked hopefully, if there was anything she could do to get her Matthew back, she would do it. But if there wasn't, Then Lana didn't know what she would do. She could stay with this Matthew or kick him out and find a new boyfriend after a while.

Matthew stayed quiet for a minute before answering. "No." Lana too stayed quite, everyone was being quiet except for the baby. Emmie was playing with Matthew's hair and was giggling up a storm. The man with the strawberry blonde hair came back and it took Lana by surprise. The man just looked at her, all the men looked at her. "I'm still the same Matthew, sort of."

Lana honestly didn't know what to say or do. It was obvious that these men weren't going to hurt her, or well at least not at the moment. Lana also wasn't sure on what this Matthew might do if she said that she never wanted to see him again.

"What would happen if I didn't want you around any more?" Lana looked at the ground, refusing to look at any of the men that surrounded her. What would happen? Would they refuse to leave and hurt her and the baby? Or would they leave and never mess with Lana again? 

"Then we would leave. Or well I would, I don't know if you would want the rest of them around." Matthew handed Lana Emmie and sighed Matthew didn't want to leave, his other self started to love this girl and her ways. He couldn't simply ignore that nor could he abandon it either. After all he and his other self shared the same feelings. 

"Poppet, if you don't want us here do say so and we will leave."  The pink haired man placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at her apologetically. When he did that, Lana flinched and he sighed. "I'll take that as a yes. We will leave you now." 

The men filed out of the little house and shut the door. They didn't come back or even show their faces around Lana for quite some time. It was probably 5 months since Lana had seen Matthew and her changed friends and she missed them. Maybe she missed them because they were like her other friends or maybe she had wanted to be friends from them from the beginning but was afraid to. The whole time that her Matthew has been gone, Lana hadn't dated anyone and she still had the same feeling for him. Everything was slowly beginning to become more boring and Lana paid less and less attention to things, so most the time she was failing her classes or forgetting to feed the cats. She would lay in bed all day thinking about how her life would have been if she had that they could be around.

One week Lana had decided she was going to find them, whether it was bumping into them or hunting them down. She was determined to get them back. First she tried the grocery store, so when she went shopping it took about two hours longer than it normally did, simply because Lana would walk up and down the aisles multiple times and would walk slowly. Then she tried the library, that usually took about three or four hours because she would actually pick up a book and start reading it. Lana checked everywhere within that week. Then one night while walking home from the park a man stole her purse and took off running. Lana of course followed him and hollered but nothing worked the man would not stop and no one would help her. She ran into an alley way, seeing as though the guy ran down it, but when she actually stood in the alley way, there was five figures standing there. One was the thief and the other four where her changed friends.

"Hey doll face, did this man steal your purse?" The red eyed man asked, holding the man by his upper arm and squeezing it tightly. Too out of breath to answer, Lana nodded her head. He pulled the purse out of the mans hands and handed it to Matthew. Matthew in return, gave it to Lana and led her out of the alley way.

"You don't need to see what Al's going to do." Matthew said in a low tone of voice. Just then They both heard a loud crack and an 'Uck!' The pink haired man walked to were Lana and Matthew was and had a look of distaste. 

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