Drinks with some odd people

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[In the Pub]

"Ah angleterre, don't drink to much we don't want you scaring off our new friend." Francis put a hand on the Englishman's shoulder.

"Shut up you frog!"

"Vodka on the rocks." Lana ordered, ignoring the two men arguing. But when she ordered they stopped and looked at her.

"Woah dude! She's like Ivan!" Lana took a good swig of her drink before turning to the group of men next to her.

"Ok, so I don't really know any of your names. Well, other than Francis and Matthew. So introduce yourselves." Lana took another drink and the english man went first.

"I'm Arthur, Arthur Kirkland." he extended a hand and Lana shook it.

"I'm the hero!" Lana looked at the others like 'are you kidding me?' They shook their heads no.

"Ok Mr. Hero, what's your real name?" She asked resting her head on the palm of her hand.

"I'm Am- Alfred!" The men's eyes went wide eyed but then went back to normal when he said Alfred. This made Lana wonder is they were hiding something. But then again it didn't matter to her because, well, she didn't know them and really didn't care.

"Alright, so I wanna know, why did you ask a complete stranger out to drinks?"

The four men just looked at each other before Francis spoke up. "You intrigued us mon ami."

"Ah ok." Lana finished of her drink and ordered another. The night was long and she had many drinks. But Lana also talked and talked to the men around her, giving each of them an equal amount of attention. This had been the best night Lana has had in awhile, but all good things must come to an end.

Lana had tried getting up and walking out the door but it seemed the vodka wouldn't let her. She had about 5 glasses and was extremely drunk. But she wasn't the only cone, Arthur and Alfred were drunk too.

"Come on Lana lets get you home." Matthew guided her to the door, but she dead weighted and sat in the floor.

"But why? I don't *hic* want to go home."

"Francis can you come help me?" Francis looked from Matthew to Lana on the ground and sighed.

"It'z one thing if Alfred and Arthur are drunk but for her to get drunk with complete strangers is absurd." Francis helped Matthew with Lana then grabbed the upset Englishman and the loud American.

"Ok Lana, where do you live?" Matthew was crouched down looking and the small girl who was once again sitting on the ground.

"In Canada, duh." She looked at him like Matthew was stupid.

"Yes I know that, but what's your address?"

"Why would I tell you? You're a *hic* stranger. You could do nasty things to me." Lana scooted away from Matthew slightly. Then scooted back towards him giggling. "Oh but so cute so I wouldn't mind at all. *hic*"

Matthew face turned a bright red and Francis chuckled at how easily the Canadian gets flustered. As awful as it seems, the Frenchman wanted to test the boundaries with his newly found play toy.

"Mon ami, would you let me to do nasty thing to you as well?" Francis crouched down next to Matthew who looked surprised and disgusted.

"Francis! Stop that! You don't even know her!"

"Oh yes, bring it on! I can *hic* take all of you at once! Just come on over to *hic* my place." Lana place a hand on Francis's cheek and the other on Matthews.

"But Cheri how are we going to get to your place if we don't know where you live?"

"I live in Canada, duh! I just told him that."

"Honhonhon you are funny, but we need you address." Lana was about to tell them but Arthur and Alfred were yelling at each other.

"You don't know me! I'm the United bloody Kingdom!" Arthur yelled while slapping his chest. Matthew and Francis's went wide and they looked around hoping no one heard the Englishman's outburst. They sighed in relief knowing that the secret was safe. Lana on the other hand had heard it and she looked confused but then broke out into a fit of giggles.

She then got up and proceeded to walk away.

"Lana where are you going?" Matthew called out.

"I'm going home, where else would I go?" She did have a point, so they all followed her. Sure enough Lana lived on Canada avenue. By the time the five of them got to Lana's small house, she had already invited them inside. Arthur and Alfred hadn't stopped arguing the whole way, which wasn't uncommon between the two.

When they entered the house and instantly fell in love with the homely nature it was decorated in. The walls were painted a faint yellow, the trim around the doors and top of the walls were brown. Shelves hung in random spots on the wall, each one filled with something different, except about five which held books, figurines of angels and fairies and a few picture frames. Above the chimney, on the mantel was more picture frames and figurines. A red love seat was placed in the fireplace with a variety of orange styled pillows and a cheetah print throw blanket over the back of the couch.

"Benedict! Fm! Here kitty kitties!" Lana called out. The said cats came running down the hall and crashed into her legs. "Hey babies, I'm home. Gosh I'm awfully tired." She looked around them pointed at Frenchie. "You! Francis! Carry me to bed!"

Francis couldn't believe he was taking order from this girl. One he didn't know and one he wouldn't get to have in bed. But nonetheless he did it anyways, following the directions given and was rewarded with a kiss to the cheek.

As he was leaving the room, Lana called out to him one more time. "Francis wait."

"Yes mon ami?"

"There is pillows and blankets in the hallway closet and I have a guest room. It's just a full size bed but I've also got a pull out couch in the office. But if someone wants, they can come sleep in here next to me." Lana patted the area next to her but it was obvious she was half asleep and half drunk. It would scare the living day lights out of her if she woke up to some man laying next to her.

"Alright, now go to sleep." As Francis shut the door Lana had already fallen asleep. It was bad of them to take advantage of her house while she was asleep, but it would be hard for all of them to get back to their own houses this late at night. They could have went to Matthews house but that was more than a two hour walk away and taxis probably weren't out driving around at two in the morning.

Francis and Arthur took the full size and Alfred the pull out couch. Matthew slept on the couch in the living room with his bear. Everything had gone pretty good that night and it would stay good, well that is until Lana, Alfred and Arthur wake with splitting head aches.

Ok so no there isn't a avenue in Canada called Canada avenue. I made that up to add a little humor. Ill update again soon.

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