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Lana spent her time either in the kitchen or in her room with Maximum and Oliver. Matt spent his day in the living room, watching TV or when Lana walked by her would watch her. It wasn't a creepy watch, it was a loving one, Matt really loved Lana and after all, it has been only one day since he proposed. 

Lana, Oliver and Maxi were sitting in the kitchen planning the dinner party that was going to be next week. Maxi was playing on the floor with a bunch of toys that Matt had gotten her.

"There is going to be about eleven people there so we need to make something that will feed everyone. I was thinking a stew, that would work for everyone except Al, so we may need to make something else." Lana chewed on the top of the pen that she was holding, thinking about what dish  would best fit everyone.

"Well, you could make two separate stews, make one that is strictly vegetables and the other with meat and vegetables."

"Yeah that would work as well." Lana wrote a few things on a list she was making, it had mostly food items on it but there was also a few decorations as well. Oliver and Lana agreed to go shopping the day before the party and would clean that day as well.

The day moved on, Lana was still ignoring Matt and he was upset by it. Sure he might have been selfish for not checking on the baby when she was choking, but Oliver should have been able to handle it.

It was night time now, Lana had went to bed and Matt was still on the couch. Lana was laying in bed, she had woken up about half an hour ago, expecting Matt to be laying next to her but she supposed that was foolish of her to think since she had given him the silent treatment all day. She got out of bed and walked to the living room, there he was, looking tired while sitting on the couch watching TV, like he had been doing all day.

"Matt, come to bed." Matt looked over and saw Lana leaning on the wall, half way asleep and rubbing her face.

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" Matt turned off the TV.

"I didn't say that." Matt followed her half way, then picked Lana up like a princess and carried her into the room and set her on the bed. Lana fell asleep almost instantly after whispering, "I love you, Matt."

"I love you too, Lana." Matt laid next to her and pulled Lana close.

The week went by fast and the dinner party was tomorrow. Lana and Oliver had went to the store and that meant that Al, Francois and Matt where in charge of cleaning. It was a good thing that Lana took Maximum with her because if not, then Al would have tried to take off, saying that he would take care of the baby, leaving Matt and Francois to do everything. 

Minimum cleaning was necessary, the house wasn't very dirty to begin with, it was just the baby stuff everywhere. Maximum made a mess of everything, the only thing she didn't make a mess with was baby food. When she was eating, she tended to eat everything that you put in front of her.

Lana and Oliver came home a few hours later with food and decorations and what looked like a few clothes for the baby and something else that Matt couldn't identify. "Hey what all did you get?"

"Ya know, stuff for the stew, house and the baby."

"Yes I know but what is that other thing?"

"Don't worry about it." Matt dropped it after that, he wouldn't want Lana to be angry at him again. She took that particular bag into her room, she was only taking precautions. Since they had started having sex, Lana figured it would be best to have pregnancy tests available for when she needed them, of course she also figured that Matt would use protection, but that chance was highly unlikely. When she had left the room, Matt was standing in the hallway looking at her, his eyes unreadable. "Matt, we need to have a talk later after Maximum is in bed, all of us, as a family."

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