Chapter Sixteen

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 Chicago, 1922

 The time of the Roaring Twenties had fully kicked in, and Annette was fascinated by the changes. Mikael, however, paid no attention to what was happening to society.

 "They have to be in this city somewhere," he said upon their arrival. "You've heard about the prohibition, haven't you?"

 "Of course I heard about it. Alcohol is illegal now, and it's really affecting people."

 "Affecting people so much that they would make and sell alcohol illegally. It's been happening here in this city, and I think Niklaus is involved in it." 

 Mikael checked them into the first hotel they came across, and said to Annette, "Please stay here. I need to do something, and I promise I won't be long."

 Annette sighed and went to go take a bath. Who knew what he doing now?

 It was quite some time before Mikael returned, and when he did he said, "Good news, Annette. I am now the Chief of the police force."

 Annette stared at him. "Why?"

 "Because it can be useful in hunting down Niklaus. Tomorrow I start my new job."

 "And what do I do?"

 "Scout the city, I suppose. See if you can find any sign of him. I've taught you enough for you to scout on your own for one day." 


 When Annette awoke the next day, Mikael was already gone, but that didn't worry her. After fifteen years, she had finally been given an actual mission.

 The first thing she did was cut her hair in the bob style that seemed to be all the rage now. Then she went out and bought more modern clothes, as her dresses seemed out of place in this era. She spent the rest of the day walking through the city, and when night fell, all she had to do was follow the strong smell of alcohol.

 She followed the smells to a bar called Gloria's, where partying was in full swing. Everyone was enjoying themselves, seeming not to care that they were engaging in now-illegal activity.

 Annette walked slowly around the room, wondering if she should have bought a wig, just in case she did find Klaus. If they were here, they would likely recognize her.

 She looked to her left and saw, at a table near the back, none other than Klaus himself. Rebekah was there as well, but not Elijah. There was another young man with them, obviously a vampire, and Annette thought he looked quite a lot like the doppelganger she had fed on to become a hybrid.

 Annette ducked out of sight so that they wouldn't spot her. But she didn't think they would have, anyway. They looked so happy, as if they didn't have a care in the world. They had no idea Mikael was in the same city as them.

 But they soon would.

 Annette got to the police station as quickly as she could.

 "I must see the Chief," she blurted out to the first officer she saw.

 "Why?" he asked. "Who are you?"

 "I'm...I'm his wife. Just paying him a visit. Important marriage matters, you know."

 The officer gave her a long stare, then said, "Follow me."

 Annette was relieved: she didn't feel like using anymore compulsion that day. She followed him to a stuffy office where he said, "Chief, your wife is here to see you."

 Mikael looked up from the papers on his desk. "My wife?" He caught sight of Annette. "Oh. Yes. Hello...dear. Officer, do leave us, will you?"

 When the officer was gone, Mikael took in Annette's new look and said, "I take it this...attire is for undercover purposes?"

 "It is. Mikael, I found Klaus. He and Rebekah are at some bar called Gloria's right now. I can take you and some officers there. They've been distributing alcohol, so you already have a perfectly good reason to go."

 Mikael smiled. "I knew it. I knew I could trust you to find them, Annette. Come. We have a bar to attack."


 Annette and Mikael walked through the doorway of Gloria's. Now that it had been shot up with wooden bullets, the place was destroyed. There were still people there that Mikael began questioning. There was no sign of Klaus and Rebekah, which only meant one thing: they had escaped.

 But Annette did notice someone who walked into the bar.

 "Mikael," she tugged gently on his sleeve, "That's the young man that was with Klaus and Rebekah."

 Mikael looked over at him and sighed. "Another doppelganger." He went over to the young man to question him, showing him the old sketch drawings. The younger vampire looked at him, not seeming to know who they were.

 But there was something about his behavior, the look in his eyes, Annette thought. He knew them...but couldn't remember.

 "He was compelled, Mikael," she whispered.

 Mikael nodded, still looking at the young man. "I know. Pack it, boys!" he yelled. "We're here tonight." Then to the man, "I would advise you to go home, young man." 

 He nodded and left.

 "He obviously knew Niklaus," said Mikael, "But was compelled to forget him, most likely by Niklaus himself." He sighed. "I suppose there's nothing left here, then."

 Annette was about to leave with him, but she thought she saw someone standing in the shadows, a familiar face...

 She lunged forward and grabbed the woman by the arms. "We meet again, then, Miss Petrova. Or Pierce, if you prefer that."

 It was indeed Katherine Pierce whose arms Annette had pinned back. 

 "Two doppelgangers in one night." Mikael walked back over to the spot, his fake American accent gone now. "Well, aren't we lucky. What are you doing here, Miss Pierce? Have you any idea where Niklaus is? If you do, I would suggest you tell us."

 "I will if you promise not to kill me," she said as she struggled in Annette's grip.

 "Miss Pierce, we can do this the simple way, or I can easily compel you. Your choice."

 "Fine. They were here. I saw them. Klaus and his sister. No idea where Elijah is. They ran out back, and I saw Klaus stab Rebekah right there. There's these daggers, in case you don't know about them. They can't kill an Original, but put them into a long, deep sleep. Then he compelled Stefan to forget him, and just drove off. He must have thought they would just slow him down."

 Annette watched at the expression on Mikael's face changed. He seemed to be horrified by what Klaus had done to Rebekah. But he regained himself and said, "Thank you, Miss Pierce. I know I said the last time we met that I would get justice for your family; I still plan to do it."

 Katherine nodded. "Good. Someone needs to put him down for good."


 Annette sat quietly in the passenger seat as Mikael drove, which made her nervous. His driving skills were already bad enough, but he was clearly in a bad way after what they had learned at Gloria's.

 "Do you want me to drive?" she asked.

 He shook his head. "I'm fine."

 "No, you aren't. Mikael, does what Klaus did to Rebekah really surprise you that much?"

 He sighed. "I knew he was capable of such things, but his own siblings? They were all so close as children, Klaus and Rebekah especially. The fact that he did it shocked me. He has Finn, Kol, and now Rebekah locked away in boxes, and apparently there's been on sign of Elijah. He's hurt all of them. He hurt them, and I haven't been able to stop him. I haven't been able to save my own children."

 Annette thought she heard his voice break, but he quickly cleared his throat and said, "I suppose you can drive for a bit if you want. I can direct us from the passenger seat." 

 She nodded. "All right, then. You do look like you could use some sleep."

 Annette quite honestly wasn't sure what to say. Even though to most people it may have seemed he hadn't shown much emotion, it was the most emotional state she could remember ever seeing him in. If she had any idea how to comfort him she would have, but she didn't know.

 All she could do was drive on.

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