Chapter Eighteen

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 They lived through two decades of hard times: in the thirties, there was the Great Depression, and another war in the forties. Mikael never seemed to pay too close attention to what the humans were doing, but Annette was shocked when she read about the nuclear bombs that were dropped on cities in Japan. She showed the paper to Mikael, who read over it and said, "They don't need vampires to destroy them: they're already destroying each other!" 

 In the next few decades, they nearly caught Klaus in New Mexico, and they traveled as far down as South America, where Klaus managed to escape once again. Every time Annette would watch Mikael's excitement grow, and then slump into a depression every time Klaus got away. He never seemed to grow tired of this hunt, no matter how many times Klaus escaped. Annette wondered if it would ever end, and what Mikael had planned to do once he completed his mission.

 However, there were days when Annette could convince Mikael to have fun with her. They went on a few picnics, and sometimes she brought him to the movie theater (he'd begun to change his mind about the uselessness of movies). If they happened to be near a forest area, they would camp out there instead of staying at any hotels. But no matter where they went, it never escaped her notice how he always carefully avoided the entire state of Virginia, where his old home still lay. She wondered if perhaps that was why he had been so reluctant, and outright refused, to sail to America when she had brought it up decades before. There were so many terrible memories associated with the place that he couldn't bring himself to go anywhere near it.


 They lay together under the stars, staring up at the nighttime sky. For some reason, at this particular moment, Annette felt the need to ask what she had been wondering.

 "Mikael, after we kill Klaus, what are we going to do then?"

 Mikael sighed. "I don't know. Centuries ago, I probably would have just killed myself. But now...well, what do you want to do after we kill Klaus?"

 "Hmm. I'd like to go to Hawaii. I've heard it's absolutely beautiful there. And you still haven't taken me to Broadway."

 Mikael groaned. "Oh, Annette, you know that's all a bunch of rubbish."

 "It's not a bunch of rubbish. Do you suppose we could corner Klaus in New York?"

 "Well, I'm certainly avoiding the whole of Manhattan Island now."

 Annette laughed. "That's it. That's all I can think of." She smiled at him. "You know, it would be more fun if you would do those things with me. I think if you tried, you could have real fun."

 He gave her a small smile. "Well, being with you can be fun."

 "Is that why you want to go on after we kill Klaus? So we can spend an eternity having fun together?"

 "I suppose so. I...I've come to...really enjoy your company, Annette."

 Then they kissed. Neither one was sure why they did it; it just felt like the perfect moment. They kissed for what seemed to be ages-until they stopped.

 "That wasn't one of the fun things I'd had in mind," Annette said.

 "But it wasn't terrible," Mikael pointed out.

 Annette shook her head. "No, it wasn't. But can we talk about it in the morning? I'm tired."

 "Of course. Good night, Annette."

 "Good night, Mikael." 


 When Annette awoke the next morning, Mikael was gone. She called his name, but got no reply.

 On the ground next to her was a letter.

 My dear Annette, 

 A new Petrova doppelganger has been born. I have to go to Mystic Falls to kill it. Normally, I would not harm children. You know that. But I must keep Niklaus from becoming a hybrid. If he does, he may become unstoppable. 

 For centuries, my entire purpose was to kill Niklaus, and then...well, that was what I didn't know. But when you came along, I knew that once I had completed my mission, I wanted to spend as much time as I could with you. I had not cared for anyone for ages until that night I saved you. So I will say this: when we have finally killed Niklaus, we can do you whatever you want. We can go to Hawaii for as long as you want, and I will take you to as many Broadway shows as you wish to see, and anything us you want to do. As long as you are happy, I would gladly do all of it.

 Please wait for me to return, Annette. I am going alone because it will be difficult for me to confront my old home, and it is something I must do alone.


 Annette clutched the letter in her hands. How dare he just leave her, after all the years they had spent together? She didn't give a damn what excuse he was giving; he was afraid to confront his feelings.

 She was going after him.


 It didn't take very long for her to track him to Virginia. Mikael didn't seem very surprised to see her.

 "I was half-expecting you to follow me," he said.

 "Did you really think I wouldn't?" Annette demanded. "We kissed and said we would discuss it in the morning, and then I wake up to find you gone!"

 "But I left-"

 "I saw the letter! You're just using this as some sort of sorry excuse to get out of having to face the fact that there is something more romantic between us. Would you stop driving for just a minute and listen to me? We're not even in Virginia!"

 "I know." Mikael pulled over and got out of the car. They were by a cemetery. "There's something here, some sort of magic."

 "Does it have anything to do with the Petrova doppelganger?" Annette asked.

 "No, I don't think so. But there's something-do you hear that?"

 Annette could hear a chanting. Witch magic, she knew from experience. She suddenly began to feel light-headed, and fell to her knees, and Mikael did the same. She looked down at her hands and, to her horror, saw herself beginning to desiccate.

 "Mikael..." she said in a weak voice.

 They met each other's eyes before they both collapsed completely.


 I'm sorry this chapter took a little longer than usual to write. I couldn't really get myself motivated during the first part of the chapter. But as soon as Annette read Mikael's letter, I knew she would go after him and decided to have them entombed together.

 I would like to take a moment here to say thank you to everyone who's reading, voting and commenting. This book has been getting love from readers since the beginning, and I am so grateful for that.

 Chapter Nineteen should be up within the next week.

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