Can you feel it?
that slight pressure in your chest?
burning in your eyes?
lump in your throat?
shaking hands,trembling body
this is me trying to hold back the tearsI finally realized no one cared
I had already lost my fears
my lovely family reminds me that I suck at everything that I do
they remind me how ugly and utterly alone I am
every single day
so yes I believe they don't really care
Blairing music in my ears just to drown out the voices
the voices that tell me it will be easier if I just end it
that they don't actually care
or that they are eventually going to leave
no matter how many times they swear they won't
I wish I had an excuse to feel like this because obviously I don't.
My voices are trying to end me.
PoesiaØverthinking leads tø fear. Fear leads tø anxiety. Døn't knøw what's inside øf me. F A L L I N G Everyøne has their demøns. Søme møre than øthers. These are mine