I lie and I cheat
I make up things
Say them too your face
And yet you still don't hear me
I failed a class
“ nice”
I lost a friend
“Good job”
Simple replies for simple people
I steal and I hurt
All to get you too hear me
I'm just someone in your house
Am I even family?
Am I even yours?
Do you even care?
Screaming for attention
Simply because I don't get it
Simply because I live here,
In a place of no love
In a place of angry people
Who cannot love the other
In this broken place
In this broken home.
PuisiØverthinking leads tø fear. Fear leads tø anxiety. Døn't knøw what's inside øf me. F A L L I N G Everyøne has their demøns. Søme møre than øthers. These are mine