I gave you a little pieces of me.
You ask for more.
I gave you everything I had.
I wasn't enough.
You wanted more.
I poured everything I was into your hands.
I watched as everything I gave you fell through the cracks and crevices of your hands.
I settled in the creases of your palms
I look of disgust took your features.
You wiped your hands and walked away.
Not wanting to have anything to do with me.
You left, because when I gave you everything,
I still wasnt enough.
And for that I am terrible sorry, love.
PoezieØverthinking leads tø fear. Fear leads tø anxiety. Døn't knøw what's inside øf me. F A L L I N G Everyøne has their demøns. Søme møre than øthers. These are mine