I thought I could,
Move on.
I get close,
Too ridding you of my heart,
My soul,
My mind,
You find a way
Too seem back in too my bones,
Poison my brain with thoughts
Of things that will never happen
Of happiness is rarest form,
Holy shit
I have a chance
But your taking her on a date?
What's really going on here
Is this a joke
I get it, haha
Very funny
The jokes on me
Everytime I get close
to moving on
You say
Or do
That yanks my heart
Right back into your hands
A butcher
Slicing away.
PoetryØverthinking leads tø fear. Fear leads tø anxiety. Døn't knøw what's inside øf me. F A L L I N G Everyøne has their demøns. Søme møre than øthers. These are mine