You can't run away from your problems they said.
Watch me I replied.
I have far to many to stay in one place.
Staying in one place means that they know where you are.
You can't let them find you.
You can't let them get you.
Run. Run. Run.
Get away. Get away. Getaway.
Please don't run away.
Please don't leave.
Please don't run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Don't. Run. Run. Run.
Your leaving?
Remember how you can't run away from your problems.
I count
PoetryØverthinking leads tø fear. Fear leads tø anxiety. Døn't knøw what's inside øf me. F A L L I N G Everyøne has their demøns. Søme møre than øthers. These are mine