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why does my family expect so much from me?

I’m trying to be a good daughter.

Keeping my job and grades up.

Taking care of my friends and making sure they are okay.

Taking care of all my animals and my brother, doing the laundry including thiers and making sure the house is clean before i leave for work. then getting a full nights sleep after that and waking up on time to be ready for school. I try.  but they expect so much from me. ....

why is this becoming so difficult..i guess it just doesn't want me around I mean everything happens for a reason right? So why are my closest friends falling apart and hurting so bad that i can't help them

. Why am I so stressed all i want to do is cry. Why is my brother such a dick. He told me yesterday that if someone he knew or even  family told him they wanted to die, he would tell them to get over it and to just quit being a baby

how is it fair that people are starving and war is happening

how is any of this fair

They told us this would be easy

It’s not and i don't understand.

what makes you hate someone so much that you wish they were dead? Yu follow your bible and contradict itself. You hate someone on the sole purpose that they are different from you. But in that case what makes you any different from the bad people in the history books or the movies?

Why is it that it’s so easy for us to be so depressed but is damn hard for us to be happy. I don’t understand and it makes me angry. What gives them the right to out us and those i love through this.

why would you make someone depressed. This isn't’ a blessing or a lesson to be learning. It slowly kill us because someone decided it would be a good idea to make us like this

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