Chapter 3

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I was driving really well today, there's days that my dad would let me drive the his car. When I behave good at home and school only. Once I turn eighteen, I'm going to get my license and have my own car by that time. I already have the money saved up to pay for my license and the car I want.

"Wow nice job there Elena. You actually do a great job driving. Not bad for a beginner for driving I see," Sam told me laughing.

"You see, I told you that I wasn't going to crash your so lovely mini cooper, so lets get the tickets and go see a movie," I told him.

"Yeah sure lets go. Hey Elena, I'll be right back alright. I'm going to go to the restroom, be back in a flash," Sam told me. I nodded at him and waited till it was my turn to buy the tickets for the movie.

The line wasn't that long so it was pretty fast. After a few minutes it was my turn so I stepped aside after I was done buying them. I was waiting for Sam for awhile, but he wasn't near the booths, I would call him but I don't have his phone number.

"Omg where the heck is he? its been 10 minutes and the movie theater isn't even packed," I told myself. I wonder where he's at and what is he doing that takes forever. I scam though the crowd and I finally found him.

"Hey I got he tickets. lets get inside and get a good seat," I told him while giving him his ticket. we walked inside and got a seat in the very top and last row in the corner. I love sitting in the way back, because you can see the whole screen better.

"Who are you texting so much?" Sam told me, wondering who it was. I was texting my mom geez, why does he care so much. I told him that I was responding back to my mom and he nodded.

After a few minutes the movie was about to start so I turned off my phone and put it in my jean jacket pocket. Sam didn't turn off his phone for some reason and he was just looking at me with a strange face that he always makes.

"What? Why are you making that face at me Sam?" I asked him, crossing my arms around my chest. He just shook his head at me and started to watch the movie.

"Umm... alright then," I said in a whisper. I knew that he could hear me because he rolled his eyes at me. I don't know what's wrong with him but he's probably going through boy period or something.

In the middle of the movie it was beginning to get boring so, I got tired and leaned on Sam's shoulder. I know that he's not in a good mood for some reason; but he didn't say anything and just continued to watch the movie. I was about to close my eyes when our hands enter wined. I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. A few seconds later I closed my eyes and let the sleep take me away.

****** After the movie******

"Wake up sleepy head," Sam told me while poking me softly on my shoulder. I didn't even saw the dumb movie, oh well. to be honest I don't like zombies versus whatever those creatures were.

"Sorry I fell asleep. I didn't get any sleep last night so I'm like super tired," I told him in a apologize tone.

"Its okay. Do you want me to take you home then?" He asked me kindly. He probably saw my tired sleepy face.

I actually did want to go home and go to sleep. I told him that I wanted to go home and tomorrow we can do the live music if he wants to.

Once we got to my house I said "thank you" and "goodbye see you tomorrow." he grabbed my arm before I got out his car, and made me get closer to him. This is even more awkward then that time when we were in the janitors room.

"Goodnight bad girl, sweet dreams," he told me. After he said goodnight to me he suddenly got even closer to me and he kissed me. I felt butterflies again like earlier. His soft lips touching mine felt like I was in heaven and I ignored the butterflies in my stomach.

He moved my hair and continued to kiss me. I dropped my phone and at the moment I didn't care. I'm falling for him and that's all I want. The cute sexy kind of almost my boyfriend kissing me and I'm kissing him back and getting kind of far with this. I couldn't stop and he started unzipping my jean jacket while I unbuttoned his shirt. We got to the back seats somehow and he took off my tank top while I took off his shirt.

All of a sudden my eyes open and I see the security guy from our house apartments flashing his flashlight at us from the outside of Sam's car.

'OH SHIT!" I yelled. I started getting dressed and Sam too. After we were done the security just laughed at us and walked away. Wow talking about awkward...

"Umm... I should umm go now?" I said while pointing at my house. He nodded at me and kissed me again. I got out the car and ran to my house.

Once I was inside my house, I didn't expect my parents to be awake at 10 pm. Oh no, hopefully the security guy didn't call them that I was hooking up with Sam.

"Elena, why is your hair all messy and why are you showing your tank top not covering one of your breast?" My mom asked me while looking at my dad and then at me.

I didn't realize my bra was showing and I fixed it right away. I just shrugged at them and then I ran up up to my room.

******Author's note: this chapter was kind of long and I hope you guys loved this epic and romantic chapter. I want to give thanks to my best friend for helping me with this chapter 😊

The Trouble One - completed✔️ (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now