Chapter 5

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"Sam look I can't, I know that we were going to go on an adventure;but my mom really wants me here. Your dad needs you right now too Sam," I told him.

I honestly didn't wanted to go on a crazy love adventure with the cutest guy, but I can't. I've been not so of a good girl ever since, no I can't go back to that terrible day. I'm afraid that something similar is going to happen if I go with him.

"Hey Elena, I understand that you want to be with your mother. But we already had plans today. I don't want to lose you again," Sam told me.

Again? What does he mean by losing me again? Have we meet before and I've never got his name? Omg it can't be, no this isn't happening right now. He better not be the guy who I meet at one of my my best friends parties. I never got that guys name that day. Sam better not been at that party two weeks ago.

****two weeks ago*****
"Elena! You came to my party, girl you never miss my parties. That's why your the best homegirl," My best friend told me while I was arriving at the party.

"Of course I came! Ya know that I wouldn't miss your parties," I told him while hugging him tightly.

I walked over to the drinks and got a drink. I love the strawberry flavored Jell-O shots, and the flavored beer. A few minutes later I saw a cute sexy guy. I walked over and introduce myself to him.

"Hi, I'm Elena. What's your name?" I asked the cute stranger. He smiled at me and offered me a drink. I took it and drank it off in one sip.

"Your not a beginner I see, Elena," he told me. I smiled at him and headed to the dance floor with him. I suddenly felt him grab me by my waist and he touched my shoulder with his chin. I grabbed tightly onto him because I was about to fall.

I started to feel the buzz go up and I suddenly felt a little dizzy. Oh no, this isn't good. I started to see figures and then everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I realized that I was in a room with the guy who I was dancing with. I've never got his name. All I know that I was dancing and then I got a drink, that's all I can remember.

"Hey, what just happened? Who are you? I don't remember anything. The stranger just looked at me and smiled.

"We had an amazing night together Elena," he said.

He then walked out the door from one of my best friends rooms. What the hell just happened.

What did I do? Oh my gosh, this is what I get for going to parties and drinking alcohol. Was I drugged by this stranger? Is that the reason why I don't remember anything? Or was it because of the drinks and Jell-O shots I had? No, this can't be happening to me.

I ran out the door and ran as fast as I could to my house. Once I got to my house I ran upstairs and tried to be calm, but I couldn't. My stomach was feeling weird and my head was spinning. What's happening to me.

The Trouble One - completed✔️ (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now