Chapter 11

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I had to tell him everything, from the beginning to right now. And here's how my troubled life began.

"Last year one day, I got into an argument with my dad. It was when I was caught sneaking out of the house, and coming home after midnight. I told him that he had nothing to worry about; but him not caring a thing I say. We yelled at each other, then from there on, things just got complicated; and so did I. Ever since that day, I started going out to parties more; and coming really late. I told him not to worry, because I know how to control myself, defend myself; and I know what is right and wrong for me. My dad doesn't even talk to me anymore, until the day he set us up for that date. Well, that was last year; this year is crazy, sad, painful, complicated, and worst of all it was hurtful. Well technically it is still painful. I went to my best friend's party one night, and me being the bad girl; got drunk and some guy drugged me... He then got me pregnant, said it was my enemy's fault. She manipulated him and all that. After that, we had two fights; I yelled for help because he was being abusive to me by having a strong grip on my forearm. They locked him up. That's why I still have this bruise, because of him, because of Sam..." I told him while realizing that tears were running down my pale cheeks.

I didn't want him to see my weak side of me. I turned my face and my entire body away from Stefan. He moved so he was facing me. he started rolling up my sleeves and he saw the bruise on one of my arms. Stefan seemed mad just by the looks on his face.

"Omg Elena, I can't believe what your going through right now. It's been a hell of two years for you. I'm glad that Sam is locked up in a cell. Look at me in the eye Elena, and tell me that you won't let that manipulated girl and Sam hurt you anymore. I don't want you to visit him at all," Stefan said to me.

I couldn't look at him in the eye, because deep down inside of me; tells me that I need to see Sam. Besides of all the bad things that he did to me, I feel like all of this wasn't just his fault.

Stefan interrupted my thoughts and he hugged me. He barely knows me and all of a sudden he wants to protect me?

" I won't visit him Stefan. Don't worry, I'm over him now," I said to him. I didn't like lying to him but what I just said to him, was because I wanted to keep our friendship between us.

The bell rang, and we headed to the stairs. We saw that the quad was empty, so it was the second bell that rang. Now we were late, and I saw principal Maxwell coming towards our way.

"Stefan, act cool and go along with my act alright," I whispered to him. He nodded and we continued to walk. Maxwell came closer to us, and he stopped right in front of us.

"Elena, hey your boyfriend doesn't want after school detention like you. So hurry up and get to class, both of you. Oh, and don't forget that you have cheer practice after school," Maxwell said to us. Maxwell didn't even notice I was pregnant wow.

Wow, he called Stefan my boyfriend. I didn't mind, because I didn't care at the moment. I grabbed Stefan's hand, and walked to class together.

After School

Stefan was kind enough to take me to pick up my phone, and drop me off at my house. I didn't want him to leave, but he had to finish unpacking his stuff.

"Call me when you want to go to cheer--," Stefan stopped talking and looked down. He'd probably forgot I was pregnant.

"It's fine Stefan. I got in the team during summer, but now look at me. I didn't know this was going to happened to me," I said to him.

He walked me to my house door, and then drove off. I got inside of my house, and I didn't expect to see my dad there on the couch.

"What are you doing here? Don't tell me that you found another boy to flirt with me. Look dad I--," I couldn't finish what I was saying because I felt my stomach drop. I ran up to my room, and went to my bathroom. I felt really dizzy. My stomach was hurting so bad, that I when I lift up my shirt to see my stomach; I notice that I was bleeding. That's not supposed to happened to me below my stomach. I don't want to lose this baby.

"Elena, it's me your mom. Opened the door please," she said to me yelling. I could barely opened the door.

"Mom! I'm losing to many blood, the baby!" I said crying. I finally managed to opened the door.

"Let's go to the emergency room quick!" My mom said.

At the hospital

"I'm sorry, Elena. Unfortunately, you lost your baby. Your eyes seem like they were crying all day. You know young girls like you have miscarriages due to sadness and grief. I'm really sorry Elena," the doctor told me.

My mom hugged me while we got out of the hospital. I looked up and saw it was Stefan. I ran up to him and hugged him.

The Trouble One - completed✔️ (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now