Chapter 4

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I couldn't sleep after that moment I had with Sam. If it wasn't for the security guy who interrupted us, we'd probably had done it. I was barely falling asleep when I realize that I had 30 minutes left to wake up for school.

I went to sleep and I didn't hear the alarm go off so my mom had to wake up and yell at me to get up. Omg I'm going to be late if I don't hurry up.

My phone was vibrating and I got a text from Sam. It read : Good morning bad girl. It was weird how he got my phone number. I didn't remember giving him my phone number. He probably saw the number when I dropped my phone because I had a voicemail.

"Elena hurry up or else your going to say home and clean the house," my mom yelled at me from downstairs. I hate being rushed. Maybe I will take my time and don't go to school. I was almost done doing my makeup and my hair.

*beep beep* my mom was honking so that I meant that I had to hurry up asap. I ran downstairs and out the door.

I got inside and my mom started the car. She just shook her head and started driving.

"Elena your not going to school today because I'm taking you to take your son/daughter to work day. Anyways, besides that; what were you doing last night?" My mom asked me.

I'm not going to school today yes! Well I wanted to go because I wanted to see Sam. I didn't know what to tell her. I wanted to gain her confidence because I really want to go to New York for my 18th birthday.

"I was walking up the hill when I was looking for the keys, then the neighbors dog got out. You know how much I'm afraid of pit bulls mom. They chased me and I fell into the bushes. So that's why I came home all with my hair messy. The bra thing I don't know how that happen." I told her.

"Okay whatever you say Elena. That's not what I heard from the security guy and the cameras that I saw," she told me.

Omg she knows, freaking security guy Alex. All of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate and it was Sam. I wasn't sure if I should pick up since my mom was in the car.

"Hello," I said over the phone. I could see my mom looking at me.

"Hey Elena, I was wondering if you wanted to go on an adventure like yesterday?" He asked me.

I didn't know what to say since my mom was obliviously eavesdropping, so I had to make something up.

"Of course I would love to help you with your homework Sam," I told him. After that he hang up and my mom was staring at me.

"What?" I asked her. She shook her head again and wanted to say something.

"Who's Sam? Is he the one you were with last night in his car making out?" She asked me.

I rolled my eyes at her and ignored her. Once we arrived at my mom's work we got off the car and we entered the building. I asked her if I could leave early since I was going to meet up with Sam, and surprisingly she said yes.

We waited for the elevator and it was packed, since its take your son/daughter day today. I got walked to the corner of the elevator and then we went up to level 4. I was scamming through the crowd and all of a sudden I saw a familiar face. It was Sam who was in the same elevator. I texted Sam that we were I the same elevator. He looked back and saw me.

We got out the elevator and I followed my mom to her desk. After a few minutes I told my mom that I'm going downstairs to get some food since I didn't have any breakfast at home. I was going to meet up with Sam and get some food, because I was actually hungry. I got in the elevator and went to level 1, to go to the cafeteria.

Once I got to the cafeteria Sam was already there. He waved at me and smiled.

"Hey Elena," he told me smiling again. I waved back and smiled a bit. I have a bad feeling about what I'm about to tell him.

The Trouble One - completed✔️ (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now