Chapter 13

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"Elena, why didn't you call me that you got out early from school? Where'd you go? I got worried something bad had happened to you," my mom said to be, being serious.

"Nothing bad happened to me. I just got out early, because it's my eighteenth birthday. I felt like signing out and celebrate my special day with my new car," I said to  her while showing my new car keys.

She probably forgot it was my eighteenth birthday, but that didn't matter to me. We never do anything for my birthday anyways.

"Who gave you those car keys. Please  don't tell me it was Stefan who brought you the car Elena," my mom told me.

I didn't want to get her upset. I knew that if I told her it was Sam, then she's going to get so angry.

"It's from a friend of mine. Don't worry about who gave me my brand new car. I'm happy now, I can't let the bad memories get to me again. If If tell you who it is, then you'll freak out mom," I told her.

It was true. I can't say sad forever, I know that losing my baby was a huge disappointment ;and one of my worst days of my days. I have to move on.

"Just tell me who it was Elena. You know that I hate secrets from you honey," my mom hold me getting even more worried.

"Fine okay, it was Sam who gave me the car. Sam got out early from jail because I believed on him. I dropped the charges. He's the only reminder of what I'd lost. I know that your not going to agree with me, but I will always love him and he'll always love me mom," I told her.

She didn't say anything. She just sat down for a minute before she started to talk.

"Are you serious Elena? He drugged you and got you pregnant. Your saying that he loves you, but yet, he does terrible things to you. You'll never learn from your consequences huh. I can't deal with you anymore. Elena, I love you with all my heart; your the only thing I have in my life besides your father. Please open your eyes, and realize that your making a mistake," my mom said to me.

Yes, she loves me and all; but it's my life and I chose him. I ran up to my room, and stared to pack up my things. I'm really tired of them blaming everything on me too. I can't let them get to me and let me feel bad.

I walked downstairs and I opened the door when my dad was standing at the door.

"Um...What are you doing here? Let me guess, mom called you and told you what happened. What a surprise," I told him while rolling my eyes.

"Yes, she called me. Elena, your eighteenth now and you can make your own decisions. However, pick the correct ones honey," my dad told me. I didn't want to hear any of this. I just want to leave home.

"Your right, I'm eighteenth now and I make my own decisions dad. So I'm moving out. I'm pretty sure mom knows already, so I guess this is goodbye," I told my dad.

I was trying to stay strong and not to look weak. Leaving home was a big step, but it's time for me to have my own space and my own house. I was going to move out anyways for college, so this is a head start.

"Fine Miss All Adult Now, but your going to regret this," my dad told me.

I stared at him, and then he walked inside the house. Just like that, he didn't even say good luck.

I got inside of my car and I drove off to Sam's place. I called him and told him what had happened.

"Elena Rose going back with her love. Wow, your really that stupid aren't you? Why would you go back with him?" Evie told me while I was getting out of my car.

"Evie shut up and leave me alone. Your the one who is to blame. You should be rotting in a cell right now. Oh wait, there's the cops. Oops, Did I forgot to mention that Sam demanded you and now the cops are going to arrest you. Have fun!" I told her while getting inside with Sam and the cops arresting her.

"She's finally going to get her karma. She can't hurt us never again. Come on Elena, let's start our new lives together," he told me while kissing me.

He's right, she won't be able to hurt us anymore. Me and Sam will take therapy, and be better at our relationship. We kissed at the doorstep once more. Together always and forever.

The End

The Trouble One - completed✔️ (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now