Chapter 7

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"Hey mom, sorry I took a long time. There was a problem with the vending machines, so I had to go to 7-eleven walking," I said to her.
"It's alright sweetheart," she said to me smiling. I smiled back at her and meanwhile I searched up my doctor's email. I wanted to get her email so I can make a doctor's appointment with her. I'm not sure when exactly I am going to tell my parents about what happened.

I finally found the email and I sent her a time and date so I can go see her. Surprisingly she answered right away, and said to go after school tomorrow. Well, that was quick, at least I can get this all over with.

I asked my mom if I could stay after school tomorrow, and she just looked at me for a second and she nodded her head meaning yes. She probably thought I was lying or something.

After my mom was done we went home and I just went upstairs to my room. I felt like going to the beach, since our house is so close to the beach. I put on some shorts and a tank top. I grabbed my hair in a high ponytail, and I walked downstairs. I can't be home all day and not do anything.

"Mom I'm going for a walk to the beach alright," I told her. She nodded like always and headed to the living room.

I walked outside and headed to the beach. The beach was not that packed as usual. It was a bright warm sunny day today. The warmth of the sun made my skin felt good. The water wasn't that cold, and it felt calming to me.

All of a sudden, a volleyball came near me so I picked it up; when I looked up I saw Evie there. Oh gosh, no. Why did it had to be her who has to pick it up. Now, I'm going to have to talk to her. The last time we spoke is when she snitched on me.

"Well well, if it isn't the pregnant seventeen year old teenager. Wow, look at you Elena. He actually got you pregnant haha. Oh and by the way, where is Sam? Shouldn't you be with him right now?" Evie said to me while crossing her arms.

I don't really feel like arguing with a person who isn't worth my time, I came here so I could relax. But there's always something or someone in the way.

"So what if I am pregnant Evie. At least its Sam's baby. Wouldn't you be the one who wish you could be in my place right now? Mind your own damn business for once snitch," I told her while crossing my arms like she did.

I don't know how she knew about it, but she really needs to mind her own business. She's always going to fight until she wins. I seriously do not have the time for her little games right now.

"I actually don't want to be in your place right now Elena. I mean I see Sam, and he's hot; but at least I want drugged like you," she told me laughing.

How the heck does she knows about this? No one knows except for Sam, but he wouldn't say a word. He couldn't tell Evie about this.

"Evie, how the hell do you know about this? You weren't even there?" I questioned her. I got closer to her, because I wanted to see if she was telling the truth.

" Your right Elena, I wasn't there. Want to know how I know about all of this? Sam didn't have to say anything, because I'm the one who told him to do it. That's how I know about you being drugged, and you getting pregnant Elena. If you don't believe me, then oh well. Sam can confess to you," she said to me; and then she walked away.

Wow, I couldn't believe she's telling me this right now. Why would I trust on someone who snitches all of the time? I don't want to see Sam now nor never. But what if she's actually telling the truth to me, since she always wants Sam by her side. No, I cant let her get in my mind; and manipulate me.

I got tired, so I walked back home. It got dark really soon, I couldn't really see that much since there isn't that many lights my the beach. I forgot my phone, so I couldn't use the flashlight on it. It didn't really feel like it was that late, so I just sat down on the sand for a while. The water got warmer and so did the sand. I love the feeling of the warm, salty, beach water. All of a sudden I felt someone touching my shoulder, and it was Sam.

"I heard that Evie talked to you earlier today. If you don't believe me, then fine don't. But I only came back for you and our baby. Remember when I told you that she was, well she's still obsessed with me. She wants me all for herself. Elena, I truly love you. She will do anything evil and manipulate to get my attention. Elena, you have to trust me in this. I am really sorry," Sam explained to me.

I wasn't sure if he was telling me the truth. If he is, then I kind of understand how she manipulated him. In a way it still doesn't mean he had to do all of those terrible things to me.

" Sam, I don't know if I should trust you. I get that Evie is manipulating and she's pure evil, but you could of just told me. Why didn't you tell me Sam?" I said to him.

I was starting to get upset and also mad, he noticed my emotions right away. He then got closer to me, but I rapidly moved away. He could of had told me, and then I would of had listened to him.

" She harassed me Elena. She's always been like that, messing with my mind. You have to understand that, Elena. Please for our baby inside of you, forgive me?" Sam said while touching my arm.

"Yeah okay Sam, whatever you say. Don't you think I'm going to forgive you that easily. I'm a senior who is already pregnant, and haven't told my parents yet. What about college, Sam? My future? Didn't you ever think of that?!" I said yelling at him.

I was starting to get mad now. I cant even look at him in the face. It's too much pain for me. I was actually falling in love with him, but he had to ruined everything.

" Don't you understand Elena! I was being harassed by Evie. She loves playing games like that. Your seriously thinking about college, and the future Elena? Wow, think straight; how would you go off to college with a baby Elena!" Sam said to me yelling this time.

He grabbed my arm again, but this time it was a big grip. I saw a security guard walking by us, and I yelled " HELP!" so he can get my attention. Immediately, he ran up to us, and grabbed Sam by his hands. They were both walking towards the beach office management room. I had to go with them, since I'm the one who yelled for help.

"Ma'am do you want to press charges on this man?" The tough boss looked at me while asking me that question.

Sam did deserve to be in jail, and also Evie. This is my only chance.

"Yes, I want to press charges on this man," I said. With that being said, they both took him away.

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