The Beginning

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Courtney's Point of View
I sighed, watching them from across the Smoffice. By them, I mean Shayne and Olivia. They looked so happy together. Who was I to wreck that, to ruin that, with my stupid feelings? I had liked Shayne, and for a while, I thought that he had liked me back. But then, it happened:
Olivia came up to me one day, and said," Hey, Courtney. I've liked Shayne for a while now, and I think that he likes me." I remember being shocked, and thinking No! I love him, and I thought he liked me. But I just smiled, and said, " I'll bet he does." And once I saw the hope and joy on her face when she said," Really?" I knew that it would be wrong to stop that. I remember approaching Shayne (upon Olivia's request) and saying that someone at the Smoffice liked him, and dropping heavy hints that it was Olivia. I remember him guessing her, and the way his eyes lit up and the way the smile spread infectiously across his handsome chiseled face. I had smiled too, because, c'mon. He's Shayne Topp and he's got that smile. I was fine for the rest of that day, until I saw Shayne walk towards Olivia and I with a huge bouquet of flowers. My heart skipped a beat, and a small smile grew on my face. Then, that name escaped his lips. " Olivia, I....I really like you. Will you go out with me? " She said yes, jumped into his arms, and then into mine. "Courtney ohmygod!! You're the best wingwoman ever!!" I had smiled, said, "Of course I am. I'm Courtney Freaking Miller!" But once she had left and it all had died down, I ran to the bathroom and threw up. And cried. And threw up and cried some more. Then, there was a knock on the door. "Courtney? Is that you?" I heard Shayne's voice. Then, my vision went black.
I woke up a few hours later looking into the dark brown eyes of Anthony. "Courtney? Are you alright?" "Uh, I will be," I answered, unsure of what to say. It was at this moment that I realized that I was still in the girl's bathroom, on the floor, with Anthony practically sitting on me. "Could you, uh, move please?" I asked. "Of course," Anthony responded, sheepishly. "Now, why on earth did you pass out?" He said, with far more force in his voice than there was in the previous utterance. "Wait, I know. It's Shayne, isn't it?" Anthony asked gently. I sighed, confirming his answer. Anthony was the only one who knew that I liked him. He found out at Smosh Winter Games when he caught me staring, and forced it out of me. He was pretty cool about it, and he knew how hard it was for me. "Yes. He, he and Olivia, they're datiiiing!" I wailed, then stopped suddenly. "Courtney, it's okay. Stop holding it in. You can trust me, I promise. "And I did. Ever since that day, I trusted him with my biggest secret.

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