We Need a Team

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The next morning they all gather around as Brian puts the chip back into the device and a screen comes up. Mia right behind him while Harley leans into Dom. Last night they'd gone back to their room and just laid there together, her wrapped up in his arms as they talked about the good times with Letty. It was something Harley found made her feel better when she started getting upset over her best friend being gone; so he'd been there for her. Just like he'd sworn to in his vows. They talked until she fell asleep and he watched how her face went from troubled to peaceful in an instant.

"What do you think?" Mia asks as the screen comes on.

"It's definitely a custom chip. Look at all these side menus here for data entry, let's check this one." Brian tells her, clicking on one and watching as writing comes up that, surprise surprise, Harley does not understand.
"Look at that. Same building, same order every week." He says.

"It's a delivery schedule." Dom concludes, resting his chin on Harley's head. Mia leans forward and clicks on something.

"What's this? Drugs?" She asks and Harley looks to the part of the screen that has a number going down a column. In kilos.

"No, that's a dealer pack. See, most major players weigh their money so they don't have to constantly count it. Right there that's 49 kilos, 49 kilos is a million in twenties." Brian reveals and the blonde woman gapes. Guess his cop knowledge came in handy after all. That's a lot of money.

"You're saying each one of these shipments is worth ten million dollars?" Mia asks.

"Yeah." Brian tells her, everyone looking just as shocked as him.

"Explains why they want the chip so bad." Harley comments, nodding to the screen.

"So what is that? A hundred million plus in cash houses?" Brian estimates.

"That's how he keeps it off the grid." Dom speaks while Harley is still thinking the figure over in her head. That sure would be a nice sum of money. Some of it of course - not all of it. It could help them disappear once and for all.

"I think it's safe to say that Reyes is smart to want this back. I mean it's his whole network right there - laid out on a chip." Oh how she's so happy they have this chip after what that dick and his goon did. Her stomach still hurts. The sound of movement outside makes them all stop and look up though. Brian takes the chip out and they stand to attention - listening. Dom nods for Mia and Brian to go one way while he takes Harley's hand for them to go in another. They head for separate windows, jumping out and hearing a rain of gunfire right behind them. Harley looks behind her with wide eyes when she notices the absence of Dom.

"Damn it." She curses, running to hide in an alley and watching for any movement. It soon comes when something breaks above her and she sees Dom hop onto the roof near her. Harley runs down the alleys, trying to predict where he's going to end up next and trying not to be phased by the constant sound of bullets. The woman halts when she almost comes face to face with a huge man she assumes is a cop, pressing her back against a wall and holding her breath as he runs past her. She sighs in relief and runs in the opposite direction, swerving through the alleys in hopes of going the right way. Her blonde hair falls out of its hair tie as continues running, having lost Dom - panic setting in.

"Calm down, Harley." She whispers to herself, jogging down a path and pausing when she sees a cop standing there with her back to Harley. There's a noise and the cop heads off. Harley takes a deep breath and follows the woman in hopes that it's Dom she's heading towards. Because, hey, it's better than nothing. The cop disappears round the corner and as Harley follows, she hears a gun cock - making her speed up. Harley runs to see the woman holding her gun up to Dom. The man briefly meets his wife's narrowed eyes, watching as she turns the woman around and grabs her gun in the blink of an eye - pointing it back at her. Harley sees movement in her peripheral and pulls the woman towards her, pushing her against the wall just as bullets hit where they were.

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