Why are you here ?

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Lucy point of View

It has been a couple of days since the photo shoot.

I was sitting on the couch playing with Nashi when I heard a window open.

Which was weird since my house was two stories up. It was the window to my room .

I walked over to the window with Nashi in my arms.

I froze looking up at a Natsu.

He smiled at me I began to cry
he came inside as I hugged Nashi close to me.

He walked towards me with open arms for a hug .

I slowly began to walk away from him walking into my dresser.
I now held Nashi in one arm reaching for my keys but Natsu grabbed my wrist.

" Luce are you okay."

"Don't call m-me that ..."

Natsu looked at me puzzled.

I finally grabbed a hold of my keys with Nashi sleeping in my arms.


I yelled with a shaky voice

Virgo looked at me and then Nashi .

"Why are you crying Princess?"

I pointed towards Natsu and Virgo glared.

All of the Zodiac knew why I ran away and about Natsu.

They now all hated him.

"You will pay for making the Princess and her baby cry."

Virgo said before punching Natsu but he caught her fist .

"Virgo I just wanted to see my wife and child."

Natsu said innocently.
Virgo glare became more like knifes.

She began punching Natsu but Natsu moved just the slightest but and Virgo still missed.

Natsu yawned looking bored . I sighed before grabbing Virgo's shoulder spinning her around.

There is no point if this keeps going on it will drain my magic power.

"Go home ."

I whispered she looked at me desperately but I shook my head.

"As you wish princess......"

Virgo mumbled sadly before she left.

" What do you want Natsu?"

He looked at me sadly before touching my cheek making me flinch .

" I missed you Luce."

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