Dense Idiot

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" I missed you Luce."

I shook my head trying to hold back my tears. Natsu again tried to hug me but I moved and I went to Nashi's room putting Nashi in her crib.

I heard footsteps behind me but didn't turn around. I rubbed Nashi's head softly trying not to wake her up.

" Luce wjat did I do?"

I paused before turning around grabbing Natsu's scarf pulling him out of Nashi's room and back into my room . I sat on the bed as Natsu stood in front of me.

"Natsu do you know why i'm not back in Magnolia?"

I mumbled wiping the tears that pricked my eye.

" No...."

" I left because everything there reminded me of you .... and I didn't want to see or even think about you?"

I paused before continuing.

"And the guild ...... they were always worrying about me asking if I was okay ....... so I left and to make sure they wouldn't follow me I had to give them a letter saying that I hated everyone ...."

Natsu looked speech less.

"Do you know the worst part is ?
It's that you have the nerve to come here and say that you miss me."

"But Luce what do you want me to say?"

I glared at him before I smacked him hardly. He rubbed his cheek that now was scarlet red .

"I want you to say goodbye ..... because of you actually cared about me-"

I regretted saying that.
Natsu pinned me to the bed frame giving me a cold glare .

His hands were now fist that held on to the bed frame next to the sides of my face .

" Luce you don't think I care about you?"

Natsu showed hurt in his eyes as his bottom lip quivered.

I didn't answer as Natsu's lips came closer to mine.I moved my face the other way .

" Natsu........ don't ..."

He grabbed my chin with one of his hands .

"Why not..... give me one good reason and I will be gone and you will never hear from me again?"

He looked deeply into my eyes .

"Because I don't w-want to get hurt again ."

I said but Natsu shook his head .

"Luce that's not good enough for me ."

He smashed his lips into mine .
I didn't move which made Natsu impatient so he bit my bottom lip .

I began slowly kissing him back missing the feeling of Natsu's lips on mine . He smiled against mine before moving his hands down to my waist as mine went to his hair . I quickly pulled away knowing this was wrong .

Natsu grunted when I pulled away and he brought me back into another kiss . I pulled on his hair tightly so he would stop kissing me .When he pulled away he smiled.

"Luce I really missed kissing you."

Natsu smiled .

"Natsu you are such a dense idiot you would make sure I was happy and you wouldn't let me cry ...... but you have made me cry more than any other enemy has ..."

Natsu was quite as he began to pull away from me.

He was about to leave but for some reason I grabbed his wrist.

He looked back at me but this time he was crying.

I pulled him down back on the bed and hugged tightly to my chest .

" I love you."

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